Master of Water management
Table of contents
The master's program in Water management is accredited.
The Master Water management is a german-language study program. More detailed information can therefore be found on the german internet page.
Educational goals and career perspective
Water management includes all human interventions on the above- and below ground water in terms of quantity, quality and ecology. Water management is concerned with space-related planning within the spatial planning regulated by laws and ordinances. In this sense, water management is responsible for all water functions (the natural and cultural functions of water) in our society - in compliance with legal requirements.
The program is designed to train graduates who are able tobsolve problems in the field of water management. The water industry is to a large extent responsible for the vital development of the population, industry and agriculture. The prerequisites for the resulting tasks are the engineering and technical mastery of water extraction, water use, water discharge and outflow regulation. Water management meets the requirements of the increasingly compelling multiple and circulatory use of water and its ingredients by researching the water quantities and qualities. This includes scientific, procedural and structural development tasks, taking into account the natural environmental conditions.
Due to its specific composition of three comprehensive subject areas (management of above-ground and underground waters, drinking water production and wastewater management), the master program is very complex. In the compulsory modules the students acquire in-depth knowledge in the areas of groundwater management, hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry, sewage systems, process water treatment, water supply and make reference to application-oriented questions of management and optimization.
The offer of elective modules enables a deepening of this knowledge and skills in special, water management relevant areas. These include the planning, construction and operation of technical facilities for the extraction, storage and redistribution of the limited resource water. Further emphasis of the study are scientific basics of the Hydrobiologie and - chemistry as well as constructive bases of the civil engineering including the hydraulic engineering.
After completing their studies, graduates are qualified to take on responsibility in water and wastewater associations, in public authorities, in planning and consultancy offices, in research institutes as well as in companies in the plant construction, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
Study content and modules
In the master program, the compulsory modules will initially be expanded during the first two semesters. A total of 65 credit points can be awarded in total.
The comprehensive elective catalog enables students to deepen their knowledge according to their personal interests and goals. The focus is on urban and industrial water management.
In compulsory elective courses, at least 25 credits must be earned. The exams take place during the course of studies.
The master thesis is part of the master exam, which completes the degree program with the colloquium. It is written in the 4th semester. The processing time is 5 months. The aim of the work is the independent handling of a problem with scientific methods within a given deadline. A total of 30 credit points will be awarded for the Master Thesis and the Colloquium. The modularized training comprises a total of 120 credit points.

Modulschema Master WW
The exact module description can be found on the german website.
Study documents, appropriate institutes and contacts
Study documents
The study and examination regulations as well as all other study documents can be found here. Please note that these documents or files are for your information. The study documents published in the official announcements of the TU Dresden are legally binding.
Appropriate institutes
Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management
Institute of Groundwater Management
In case of any questions concerning the study cours please contact the study counselling, the Faculty Students' Council (FSR) or the study course coordinators.
Study requirements
This Master programme is a German-language study programme. More detailed information can therefore be found on the German web page. To start this Master programme, sufficient previous knowledge in the field of Water Management, Hydro Sciences and Engineering are required. The application deadline for EU citizens is 01.04.-30.06. each year and for non-EU citizens 01.04.-31.05. each year. Here you ca find further informations about the study possibilities at the TU Dresden, application, necessary language skills and students' life in Dresden.