Dear Lecturers,
On this page you will find information about (digital) teaching.
Table of contents
Latest news
Dates of the Stammtisch Lehre in 2025 (1 p.m. in POT 158):
- 13.02. - expected topic: Presentation of the examination desk project
- 14.03. - Topic: Feedback and exchange on the examination phase
- 11.04. - expected topic: ESD skills: Sustainable thinking and action (Education for Sustainable Development)
- 16.05.
- 12.09.
- 24.10.
- 14.11.
- 12.12.
General information
Get to know the Liberating Structures - a set of methods that can systematically increase the involvement and participation of your students. |
The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL) serves as a central point of contact for digital, research- and practice-oriented learning and teaching at TU Dresden. |
OPAL and ONYX basic and advanced courses |
Digital Teaching Team of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Qualitative evaluation of your courses
Would you like an evaluation of your courses to give you effective feedback to optimize your teaching concept? Then take advantage of the following offers:
- Bielefelder Lernzielorientierte Evaluation [BiLOE] - approx. 15 min. of a course shortly before the end of the semester, one meeting before the start of the semester and one meeting after the end of the semester, conducted by Dr. Katja Flemming [contact below]
- TAP [Teaching Analysis Poll] - approx. 45 minutes of a course in the middle of the semester, 1 hour for evaluation, conducted by ZiLL
In-house and general workshops on teaching
General (from the catalog of Hochschuldidaktik Sachsen)
When? | What? |
05.02.25 |
Intercultural competence in teaching [presence, 09 - 16:30] |
03.03.25 |
With research-based learning to competence-oriented teaching: methodological approaches and didactic implementation [online, 09 - 13 hrs] |
03.03.25 |
Competence-oriented teaching in STEM degree programs [online, from 09 - 12:30 a.m.] |
13.03.25 | Dealing with heterogeneous learning levels of students in STEM subjects [online, 2 AE self-study, 09 - 12:15] |
21.03.25 | Inspiring students in STEM fields for research and teaching [presence, 09 - 16:30] |
You can find the complete program here.
When? | What? |
09/2024 | Intercultural sensitization in dealing with students from India [Jyotika Dalal] |
04/2024 | Digital Teaching Team: Agile teaching concepts [Digital Teaching Team Construction & Environment] |
03/2024 | Academic work and examination organization in international degree programs [Dr. Katja Schulze] |
11/2023 | Classroom Management [Sandra Erdmann, M.A.] |
09/2023 | Math in English [Dr. Julia Goedecke] Link to the script |
06/2023 | From the lecture hall to the learning hall - method toolbox for STEM courses [Dr. Andreas Patschger] Link to the script |
Calls for Funds/Grants/Actions
Instrument for the (further) development of e-learning and thus pursues the sustainable quality improvement of teaching at TU Dresden
Contact us
Are you missing something? Would you like support with your projects or courses?
Please feel free to contact me!

Employee Student Affairs
NameMs Dr. Katja Flemming
Student Affairs, Quality of Teaching, Internationalization
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Dean's Office "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Dean's Office "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Visiting address:
Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, Raum 155A Hettnerstraße 3
01069 Dresden