Distinguished Research Fellowships

Campus of TU Dresden with the Georg Schumann building
In 2021, the Faculty of Business and Economics of TU Dresden started the Distinguished Research Fellowship Program. Up to three research fellowships for internationally renowned scholars (including professors, outstanding assistant professors and associate professors) will be granted per year. Key objectives associated with the Distinguished Research Fellowships are to foster innovative ideas and initiate exciting, vibrant research collaborations, to support the development of PhD students and early-career scholars (e.g., postdocs) of the Faculty, as well as to further expand the international research network and activities of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Target group
Fellowship application is open to all international scholars at the professor level (professors as well as outstanding assistant and associate professors) who:
- are active researchers in one of the following fields: business information systems, business administration, and economics,
- work at a university, or research institution, outside Germany, and
- have no recent collaboration history (e.g., no joint research projects and/or publications within the last five years) with members of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Application Deadline
The deadline for the next application round is on December 15th, 2025, with the Distinguished Research Fellows being awarded in spring 2026.
Fellow Selection Process & Criteria
The Distinguished Research Fellows are selected by an external selection committee, consisting of four internationally recognized scholars from the fields of business informatics/information systems, business administration, and economics. Each year in February/March, the selection committee will select the Fellow class for the corresponding year. The members of the external selection committee are:
- Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel, Institute for Public and Regional Economics,
WWU Münster - Prof. Dr. Alexander Benlian, Institute of Information Systems & E-Services,
TU Darmstadt - Prof. Dr. Frank Meisel, Chair of Supply Chain Management, CAU Kiel
- Prof. Dr. Nicolas Zacharias, Chair of Marketing, FSU Jena
The selection of the Fellows will be based on the following criteria:
- Academic excellence as demonstrated by top-tier publications,
- Willingness to engage in on-site collaboration and dialogue in Dresden, and
- Theoretical merits and practical relevance of the proposed research project.
Moreover, each project is required to involve some form of collaboration with at least one professor or postdoc (“TUD host”) from the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU Dresden. For an overview of the Faculty’s professors, postdocs, and research groups, please visit the webpage of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Fellow Rights & Obligations
The Faculty of Business and Economics provides each Distinguished Research Fellow with funds of up to 10,000 € for the realization of the proposed research project (including travel, lodging and other possible expenses associated with her/his stay at TU Dresden). The funds are available for one year (from April 1st) and can be extended, if needed.
Fellows are expected to contribute with their expertise and experience to the research activities and reputation of the Faculty of Business and Economics. In addition, each Fellow is expected to:
- Visit TU Dresden for at least four weeks (in total),
- Give a research talk during her/his stay in Dresden,
- Provide updates on the research progress and results, and
- Acknowledge the support provided in all publications related to the Fellowship.
Note: The Fellow funds may also be used for spending a sabbatical at TU Dresden.
Fellow Application
To apply for a Distinguished Research Fellowship, interested scholars are kindly asked to prepare the following two documents:
- Application form, including an outline of the proposed research project (Download word template)
- Short CV (maximum of two pages), including an overview of current and prior academic positions, major research areas, key publications, academic awards and prizes, etc.
Applicants need to email their application package to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics: . The deadline is December 15th of each year.
Researchers interested in applying for a Fellowship can contact Dr. Uta Schwarz at the Dean’s Office for additional information and consultation.
About Dresden und TU Dresden
Dresden, the capital city of the state of Saxony, is situated in the East of Germany at the river Elbe. The city forms the heart of one of today's most dynamic economic regions. It is well-known for its rich cultural heritage and a remarkable ensemble of originally reconstructed baroque buildings like the Frauenkirche, the Zwinger ensemble or the Semperoper.
TU Dresden is one of the largest technical universities in Germany and one of the leading and most dynamic institutions in the country. With 17 faculties in five Schools, it offers a wide range of degree courses and covers a broad research spectrum. In July 2019, the
TU Dresden was once again awarded the University of Excellence title and will thus receive permanent funding within the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.
Here you find some impressions of the city of Dresden and the campus of TU Dresden:

Der Dresdner Zwinger © PantherMedia / Helmut Krass

Die Elbe und das Blaue Wunder © PantherMedia / Rico Ködder

Brühlsche Terasse und die Dresdner Festung © PantherMedia_mijeshots.gmail.com

Der Neumarkt mit der Frauenkirche © TUD


Schloss Moritzburg in der Umgebung von Dresden © PantherMedia / Christian Colista

Die Neustadt bietet eine Vielzahl an Bars, Restaurants, Gallerien und kleinen Läden. © TU Dresden

© Stephen Burch

The Grand Garten © Thomas Stache / Flickr.com

The canteen and cafeteria Alte Mensa is located in the heart of the campus. © Crispin-Iven Mokry

Graduate Academy and Service Point of the TU Dresden © Nils Eisfeld

Beyer Building © Crispin-Iven Mokry

© Crispin-Iven Mokry

Reading room in the Central Library SLUB © Nils Eisfeld

Georg Schumann Building: One of the buildings of the Faculty of Business and Economics © Klaus Gigga

Hülße building: Some of the chairs are located here © Klaus Gigga

Spiral staircase in the Hülße building © Klaus Gigga

The Ballroom of the Faculty of Business and Economics © Klaus Gigga
Our Fellows
Information about our Distinguished Research Fellows

Bismark Singh with the students of his PhD seminar Chance-constrained Programming. © Florian Linß

Bismark Singh together with Dominik Möst, Marcel Thum, Tristan Becker and Udo Buscher © schwarz

Oliver Krancher together with professors and research associates from the Business Information Systems group. © wibe

Michael Schefczyk und Dimitrios Xefteris (University of Cyprus) © schwarz

Elizabeth Embry (University of Kansas Business School) and Michael Schefczyk © schwarz

Benoit Chevalier Roignant (emlyon Business School) and Michael Schefczyk © wiwi

Ramteen Sioshansi with his host Dominik Möst © ee2

Mike Hewitt von der Loyola University Chicago sprach über "Data-driven Optimization Model Customization" © wiwi

Mike Hewitt and the team of the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Industrial ManagementChicago. © im