Luca Bertinetti
From the time of my PhD, I have been interested in studying molecular structure and interactions at the interfaces of biological materials.
Biological materials are constituted by chemically fairly simple molecular/supramolecular building blocks which are assembled over several hierarchical levels. This organization across different scales, together with possible small changes in chemical composition, endow the tissues with a variety of functionalities for which, in the last decades, biological materials became source of inspiration. However, independent of their function, these materials have evolved to optimize their interactions with water and ions, as these are ubiquitous in biological tissues. In many cases, changes in water and ions concentration even induce materials’ responses that are fundamental to achieve the desired functionality. Prominent examples are passive actuation in plants, hydration dependent force generation in collagen and crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate. One of my goals is to describe and understand, from the molecular level upward, the interplay of water structure and interactions, ions nature and properties, and the molecular/supramolecular structure of the components of natural materials. For this, I strive to describe the thermodynamic of these interactions and to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed responses at the materials and tissues levels. Because of the various hierarchical levels of organization of biological materials, I have been developing (in collaboration with many groups and colleagues) in-situ, multi-technique approaches, allowing to obtain information from the molecular to the macroscopic level.
Because the physical chemistry of these interaction is fundamental also to the formation of biological materials, I lately I became more and more interested in describing and understanding the processes underlying tissues deposition. To this aim, I have been working to establish FIB/SEM based volume imaging, a technique that enables the imaging of three-dimensional volumes that are larger than typical eukaryotic cells with a voxel size down to 3-4 nm and in particular, Cryo-FIB/SEM, (i.e. FIB/SEM serial surface imaging in cryogenic conditions) that represents the most advanced method for tissue imaging in the quasi-native state.
In parallel, I’m highly involved in the development of 3D image processing, AI-based segmentation techniques and volume imaging analytical tools.
Professional career:
Since 2020 | Senior scientist at B CUBE, TUD, Germany |
2017 - 2020 | Group Leader of the ‘3D imaging of forming tissues’ group, Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany |
2010 - 2017 |
Independent researcher, Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces, Germany |
2006 - 2010 | Research technician, Department of Inorganic Physical and Materials’ Chemistry of the University of Torino, Italy |
2002 - 2006 |
PhD student and Postdoc, Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC) of the National Research Council (CNR), Faenza, Italy |
2006 | PhD in Chemistry, Title: " Nanomaterials for biomedical applications: synthesis and surface characterization", Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Martra, University of Torino, Italy |
2001 |
Master in Materials Science, Thesis title: " From solvated atoms to nanoparticles: a study on hydrogenation catalysts", Supervisor: Prof. S. Coluccia, University of Torino, Italy |
Wear Mechanics of the Female Locust Digging Valves: The “Good Enough” Principle , 26 Nov 2024, In: Advanced functional materials. 34, 48, 2413510Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Postembedding Iodine Staining for Contrast-Enhanced 3D Imaging of Bone Tissue Using Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy , 17 Jul 2024, In: Advanced nanoBiomed research. 4 (2024), 10, 12 p., 2400035Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Testing the FIB-SEM ring-core milling technique for microscale residual stress analysis in fiber composites , 2 Jul 2024, ECCM21 - Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Composite Materials: Volume 4 - Experimental techniques. European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM), Vol. 4. p. 224-231, 8 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to book/conference proceedings/anthology/report > Conference contribution
A joint proteomic and genomic investigation provides insights into the mechanism of calcification in coccolithophores , 23 Jun 2023, In: Nature Communications. 14, 1, 3749Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Submicron‐Sized In Situ Osmotic Pressure Sensors for In Vitro Applications in Biology , 5 Apr 2023, In: Advanced healthcare materials. 12, 9, 2202373Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
ROCK and the actomyosin network control biomineral growth and morphology during sea urchin skeletogenesis , 2023, In: eLife. 12, RP89080Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Mussels Fabricate Porous Glues via Multiphase Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation of Multiprotein Condensates , 27 Dec 2022, In: ACS nano. 16, 12, p. 20877-20890, 14 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Gradients of Orientation, Composition, and Hydration of Proteins for Efficient Light Collection by the Cornea of the Horseshoe Crab , Nov 2022, In: Advanced science. 9, 33, 2203371Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
A 3D Network of Nanochannels for Possible Ion and Molecule Transit in Mineralizing Bone and Cartilage , Aug 2022, In: Advanced nanoBiomed research. 2, 8, 16 p., 2100162Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Heat-Mediated Micro- and Nano-pore Evolution in Sea Urchin Biominerals , 1 Jun 2022, In: Crystal growth & design. 22, 6, p. 3727-3739, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article