Bachelor Level
Bachelor Molekulare Biologie und Biotechnologie (MBBT), Fakultät Biologie
- Vorlesung “Humane Gehirnentwicklung und Organoide”
- Praktikum "Bau und Funktion der Tiere" (Zoology)
- Rotationspraktika, Tätigkeitseinblicke and Bachelor’s Thesis Projekte
Weitere Informationen here. Der Studiengang wird in Deutsch gelehrt.
Master Level
Master Regenerative Biology and Medicine (RegBioMed), CMCB
Master Molecular Bioengineering, CMCB
- Lectures “Human organoids as models of human development”, “Epigenetic programming during development”
- Seminars “Cerebral organoids to model development and disease”, “Epigenomic approaches for complex tissues”
- Tutorial at Hot Spot Seminar “Epigenetics”
- Journal Clubs related to epigenetics and neuroscience
- Lab rotation and Master’s thesis projects
More information here and here. The courses are taught in English.
Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)
- Thesis Advisory Committee member
- Travel and Training Award committee member
More information here. Working language is English.