Yun Group
Our research programme focuses on three research topics: the mechanisms underlying the plasticity of the differentiated state, the role and regulation of senescence during regeneration and the role of the immune system in regenerative contexts.
Our research
Humans exhibit rather limited capabilities for tissue repair and regeneration. In contrast, organisms with remarkable regenerative abilities can be found in nature. Among these, salamanders (such as newts and axolotls) are considered the champions of regeneration, being able to regrow an extraordinary range of complex structures including ocular tissues, tail, jaws, large sections of their heart, parts of their nervous system, and entire Human limbs throughout their life. As such, the salamander constitutes an ideal system in which to learn how accurate regeneration of body structures can be achieved.
Our lab aims to exploit this system in order to determine what cellular and molecular factors underlie the ability to regenerate complex structures and how changes through phylogeny and ageing affect regenerative potential. These are important areas for investigation, progress with which will deliver both fundamental and therapeutic insights.
Visit our Research page to read more.