Currently, there are more than 20 national and international doctoral students who pursue a doctorate degree as part of the structured doctoral program “Education & Technology”.
Advising professor for the faculty of Education Sciences

Director CODIP
NameMr Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, Floor, Office 450 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Advising professor for the faculty of Economics

Inhaber der Professur
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Eric Schoop
Chair Holder
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationsmanagement
Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationsmanagement
Visiting address:
Georg-Schumann-Bau, Sch B 44-46 Münchner Platz 3
01187 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 11:00 - 12:00
- on appointment
Doctoral Candidates and Doctoral Thesis
- Mattis Altmann : „Designing formative feedback in Virtual Exchange“
- Claudia Albrecht: Support self-directed learning through new examination formats _ The examination kiosk as an innovative element of university teaching (working title)
- Priyo Nugroho Adi: Cloud Commerce Learning Ecosystem
Aline Bergert: "Everyday Teaching Practice and Digitalisation in Higher Education (HE) - A reconstructive study of HE teacher orientations in the field of Engineering Education"
Kassahun Berisha - Leveraging an Intelligent Digital Twin for Failure Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring of Machinery
- Silvia Blass: "Effectiveness of Online Courses in the Continuing Education for Teachers: An empirical study of the acceptance and impact of eLearning in teacher training in Bolivia"
- Alexander Clauss: "Designing an Innovative Platform to Qualify Corporate Community Managers"
Patrick Dyrba: ”New teaching and learning methods in adult qualification for specialists and managers with very high responsibility using the example of explosion protection, especially in the chemical industry”
Hafte Tkue Geberekidan - Machine Learning-Based Higher Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for Optimal MPPT of PV Module in Micro-Grid
Jörg Hafer: From “e-learning” to “digital higher education”. An actor-network analysis of the development of e-learning at German universities (working title)
Linda Häßlich : "Technologieunterstützte Qualifizierungsangebote in der Weiterbildung"
- Linda Hommel: "Nursing Professional Identity in virtual Communities of Practice"
Selina Irnleitner: "Teenagers construction of privacy on social networks"
Anne Jantos: "Blended Assessment in higher Education"
Belkais Kebir: Bridging the Digital Competency Gap: A Guideline for Healthcare
Professionals in Adopting and Utilizing Gerontechnologies.
Bilyal Khassenov: Systematic Development of Digital Competencies of Students in Engineering and Business Studies - A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Different Types of Learning Content at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
David Koslowski: Digitalization of further education and training in the dismantling of nuclear power plants.
Lisa-Marie Langesee: "Design and Evaluation of a Framework for the Competence Training of E-Tutors in Higher Education"
- Mariane Liebold: "Social Media Crisis Communication - the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Learning Challenge"
Lena Citra Manggalasari: "Work Education Praxis with the Vision of Democratic Education in the fourth Technology Revolution: a multiple Case Study in Does University, Qaryah Tayibah and Sanggar Anak Alam"
- Carmen Neuburg: "Promotion of cooperation between learning venues at vocational schools"
- Alexandra Perkas: "Differentiated Collaborative Smart Learning (Environments) and their Classroom Managent in the Vocational Education"
- Dias Aziz Pamudita - Designing a Virtual Reality Game for Computational Thinking Skills Development
- Fara Tinesa Prihandini: Cassava Virtual Learning App: Augmented Reality (AR) Innovation to Introduce Traditional Knowledge and Practices for Tourism
- Galeh Nur Indriatno Putra Pratama: Determinants of Psychomotor Ability through the Use of Digital Media in Vocational Education
- Laleh Raeisy : "An e-Mentoring System to enhance Entrepreneurship Abilities: A Design-Science Research"
Mingze Shi: "Research of E-Learning Evaluation and Affecting Factors in Enterprise Training Programs"
Hartmut Simmert: "Die computergestütze Lehrumgebung - Ein bildungstechnologischer Ansatz zur Integration digitaler didaktischer Medien in Lehrveranstaltungen"
Sam Toorchi Roodsari: AI in E-Learning: The Impact of Adaptive Learning Path
Recommender Systems on Intrinsic und Extrinsic Motivation -
Nelli Ukhova - Implementing the VCL-Framework to Foster the Development of 21st Century Skills in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions
Nick Volkmann - Mastering Online Collaboration: A Data-Driven Maturity Model Approach
Tri Wahyuni Floriasti - Designing Inclusive Vocational English Curriculum for Diabled Learners in Indonesia´s Higher Education
- Lorenza Wand: "Extended Reality in der protoberuflichen Bildung. Mixed Method Approach zur Gestaltung und Evaluation einer virtuellen Lehr-/Lernumgebung"
- Melissa Weidlich-Rau: Design and development of a learning support app that responds individually to the user's emotional state to improve attention, emotional state, information intake, and long-term knowledge retention
- Tilahun Weldcherkos - Informed decision based optimal design & control for application of Agri-Pv systems
Daniel Winkler: "Gestaltung von Lehr-/Lernszenarien zum Einsatz von augmentierter Realität in der ingenieurtechnischen Lehre"
- Worke Woldesemayat: "A case study on an Ethiopian engineering education at a pilot university (AAiT) for a concept design for hands-on and sustainable education"
- Hongsu Yin:
If you have any questions about our graduate programme, please contact Thomas Köhler.