Learning processes and learning cultures in digital transformation
Table of contents
Digital transformation permeates all areas of life - including the processes of learning and teaching. This gives rise to comprehensive questions: What skills will we need in the future? What roles will AI & digital technologies take on and which tasks will remain the preserve of humans? How do organizations and cultures need to change in order for the transformation to succeed?
Against this background, the research group deals with the influences of digital transformation on existing processes, routines and concepts both at the level of learning processes and at the level of the educational organization and examines what influence this has on the learning culture.
Main topics
- Design and transformation of digital teaching and learning scenarios
- Competence and task development of teachers and learners
- Use of data in educational contexts
- Interaction between humans and AI in educational contexts
- Change management in educational organizations
Research questions
The research group is dedicated to the overarching research question:
To what extent is the digital transformation changing learning, teaching and educational organization at universities and in continuing vocational education and training?
The influences of new technologies (e.g. AI, blockchain, digital platforms) on learning and teaching as well as the changes in terms of necessary skills and organizational framework conditions are taken into account.
Further research questions are therefore located at different levels:
- Learning process level: e.g. When do digital offerings support self-directed learning, when do they hinder it? Which digitally supported learning formats are suitable for which target groups? To what extent can digital technologies optimize learning?
- Stakeholder level in the learning process: e.g. What skills do teachers and learners need when teaching and learning with digital media? How do roles and tasks in learning change through the use of digital tools?
- Educational institution level: e.g. What conditions need to be created at a didactic, technological, organizational or legal level in order to support the digital transformation in educational contexts? What differences exist between the various education sectors with regard to the digitalization of educational offerings? What new opportunities arise for educational organizations through the use of digital technologies?
- Level of educational objectives: e.g. How does the use of digital tools change the understanding of education/learning? How are digital media changing the skills/educational objectives that need to be acquired (keyword: future skills)?
- Level of technologies in the educational process: e.g. What is educationally relevant data and to what extent is it suitable for supporting learning?
Research approaches and methods
To answer the research questions, we prefer to work in interdisciplinary teams that combine different research approaches. We focus on methods from the following areas: attitude and acceptance research, evaluation and impact research, media usage research, technology assessment.
Further information
Current projects
tech4comp - Personalized skills development through scalable mentoring processes
- MyEduLife
- Ele-com
- Digitalization of higher education in Saxony
- Elmeks.digital
- LemaS Transfer
Completed projects
- UndiMeS - Teaching with digital media in Saxony
- Mobile study assistance system
- Ausbilderakademie.digital
- Weiter.digital
- SFG - Flexible design of degree programs
- Learning transfer methods - Development and testing of methods to increase the learning transfer of students in STEM degree programs as part of a multiplier program
- VOM_Handel
- Joint project "New teaching/learning cultures for digitalized universities", sub-project "Analysis of didactic application scenarios for the development of a new teaching/learning culture for digitalized universities"
- E-assessment in Saxony - current status and needs
- E-Teaching.TUD - A qualification program for teachers at Saxon universities
- Dyrna, J., Riedel, J. & Stark, L. (2022): Welche Kompetenzen benötigen Lernende für selbstgesteuertes, digital gestütztes Lernen? in: Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis : BWP ; Zeitschrift des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung. 2022, 51, S. 18-22.
- Dyrna, J.; Riedel, J.; Schulze-Achatz, S. & Köhler, T. (Hrsg.) (2021): Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Ein Handbuch für Theorie und Praxis. Münster: Waxmann.
- Neumann, J. (2009): Organisationsmodelle im E-Learning. Unterstützungsstrukturen für E-Learning an Hochschulen des Freistaates Sachsen. Dissertation. TUDpress. Dresden.
- Neumann, J. & Hoffmann, L. (2018): Digitalisierung in Einrichtungen der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung – Empirische Ergebnisse zum aktuellen Stand. In: Köhler, T. & Schoop, E. (Hrsg.): Communities in New Media: : Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education and Public Administration - Proceedings of 21th Conference GeNeMe. Dresden, S. 105-113.
- Neumann, J. & Köhler, T. (2013): Das Online-Berichtsheft - Stärkung der Lernortkooperation in der dualen Berufsausbildung durch Web 2.0, Bielefeld: Bertelsmann Verlag.
- Neumann, J., Riedel, J. & Adelberg, B. (2022): Blockchain, ESCO, and the (r)evolution of continuing vocational education in Europe. In: Bastiaens, T. (Hrsg.). Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning. New York City: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), S. 190-200.
- Riedel, J. (2023): „Neue Medien“ = „Neue Lernkultur“? Eine Untersuchung des Lehrhandelns mit digital gestützten Lernformen und -werkzeugen im Kontext der Realisierung einer „Neuen Lernkultur“. Dissertation, TU Dresden.
- Riedel, J., Schulze-Achatz, S. & Zawidzki, J. (2020): Using Educational Technologies For Supporting Mentoring Processes In Higher Education, in: Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 29, 4, S. 361-379.
Offers for the professionalization of teaching staff:
- UnDiMe training for teachers
- Certificate course E-Teaching.TUD
- Self-learning module "TASKtrain"
- Collection of methods for self-directed learning: Method case SGL
- Collection of methods for learning transfer
- "Workbook for the specialist day on digital evidence in continuing vocational training"
- "E-assessment center in comparison"
- "Digital teaching and learning in university teaching"
- "Impulses for self-directed learning in further education institutions"
- Role and acceptance of AI in educational programs and teaching concepts
- Professionalization and self-image of teaching staff in the context of digitally supported teaching and learning
- Acceptance and effectiveness of digitally supported learning scenarios
- Use and acceptance of taxonomies for standardized competence description
- Importance of data in the educational context
Deputy director / Head of research group
NameMr Dr. Jörg Neumann
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 418 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden
Deputy head of research group
NameMs Dr. Jana Riedel
Participant in the graduate program „Education & Technology“
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
BSS, 4th floor, room 446 Strehlener Str. 22/24
01069 Dresden