Research Information
Research information is a measure of the own institution, which bundles the output of the researchers for their own benchmarking and public reporting. For structured data acquisition, researchers at the TU Dresden have at their disposal the Research Information System (FIS) and the DRESDEN Technology Portal (DTP), the research infrastructure database of the DRESDEN-concept partner. In addition, the TU Dresden supports its researchers together with the Saxon State Library - State and University Library (SLUB) during the entire research and publication process. For research data management, a service center research data was set up. In addition, the Open Access service center advises on the complex topic rights of use, offers the (secondary) publication in Qucosa, checking access rights, and its own open access publication fund.

Research Information
TU Dresden runs a Research Information System (FIS) since more than 20 years. With more than 200.000 data entries, the current FIS gives an overview of scientific activities at the TU Dresden for interested parties from science, industry and politics.
The DRESDEN Technology Portal (DTP) is a central online technology portal for all partners of DRESDEN-concept to support the sharing of scientific infrastructure and services. The tool enables scientists and other users to search for single instruments, complex systems, services and facilities, as well as specific expertise. In return, it is also a tool to provide infrastructure and services to the scientific community and to present the structure and main research expertise of institutes and working groups.
TU Dresden strongly supports Open Access publishing and, in 2012, has adopted an Open Access Resolution. Jointly with the Saxon State and University Library Dresden (SLUB), TU Dresden actively promotes Open Access publishing, by providing numerous offers and maintaining a powerful Open Access infrastructure.
In order to ensure the greatest possible dissemination and visibility of research results, it is essential that publications can be unambiguously assigned to the author and TU Dresden. You will find all detailed information in the publication guideline.
Bibliometrics may help you to quantify, analyse, compare, and communicate the impact of your research output. On this website you will find briefly summarised what you need to know about bibliometrics and citation-based research evaluation.