Schindler, Angelika, Ing.-Päd.
since 1990
Worked at the TU DD as an engineer for research and teaching (technical employee)
Function: Laboratory manager
Task: Instruction of students regarding health, occupational safety, fire and environmental protection in the course "Experimentallehre" as well as instruction and supervision of experimental work of students in the laboratory
1987 - 1990
Studied at the "Justus von Liebig" School of Engineering in Magdeburg, graduated as an engineering teacher, job title: teacher for practical chemistry lessons
1986 - 1987
Worked as a trainer at the Dresden pharmaceutical plant
1984 - 1986
Training as a chemical laboratory assistant at the Dresden pharmaceutical plant
Other functions
First aider (basic course 1993, refresher courses every 2 years)
Environmental protection officer of the faculty since 2005
Fire protection officer of the faculty since 2016