Alumni survey July 2019
- Promotion of social-communicative skills
Goal: Promotion of social-communicative skills through:
- Varied course formats: Lectures, seminars, exercises, practicals, excursions
- Varied forms of examination: Written exams, presentations, seminar papers, internship report, research project, e-learning session, moderation
Question: What social-communicative skills have you acquired/expanded through your studies? (n=11)
- Promotion of personal development
Goal: Promotion of personal development through:
- Deepening the willingness to learn and perform
- Promoting openness to new ideas
- Promoting professional expertise through critical self-reflection skills
Question: Which personal skills have you developed during your studies? (n=11)
- Development of professional expertise
Objective: To deepen professional and methodological competence through:
- Understanding, analyzing and applying theoretical approaches and research results
- Developing and presenting scientific texts and lectures
- Developing, implementing and evaluating practical solutions
Question: Which activities are you able to do as a result of your Master's degree? (n=11)
- Career entry after graduation
Goal : Goal: To quickly take up a qualified job:
- The degree qualifies students for activities in personnel and organizational development in companies, in training and further education institutions as well as in research institutions (e.g. universities)
- Initiation of practical and employer contacts through the work placement
Question: How long did it take you to find a qualified job after completing your studies? (n=11)
- Earning opportunities after graduation
Professional activities including:
- Project management
- Personnel recruitment
- Marketing management with personnel responsibility
- Development of learning concepts in the IT sector
Earnings depend on the sector.
Question: What is your current monthly net income? (n=11)