Research in the Master's degree program
The Master's program in Social Education is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the current state of knowledge in fundamental and practical social education research. In the course of a two-semester process, students first develop a theoretical perspective and a research question that will be empirically addressed in a field of social pedagogical action opened up by practice partners. Second, they gain skills related to research practice and conceptual skills on how to conduct the study.
Presentation of selected teaching-learning projects
The presentation of selected results will give you an insight into the work with teaching-learning projects and make the students' research achievements become visible.
Conservative bourgeoisie vs. trend-conscious youth culture. Gender constructions among right-wing youth.
How unaccompanied refugee minors cope with everyday life - an ethnographic study.
Topics explored in the context of teaching-learning projects
The following is a list of research topics (selection) that Master's students have worked on or are working on as part of teaching-learning projects. They demonstrate the thematic diversity and the resulting broad range of experiences within the program.
- Freedom as a critical life constellation - on the subjective view of juvenile and adolescent ex-prisoners
- Experiences and actions of children and adolescents affected by school exclusion in residential facilities From the perspective of children and professionals
- Coping strategies of inmates using the research example JVA Zeithain [JVA = correctional facility] with special consideration of participation in the creative center
- What do volunteers look for and find when working with asylum seekers in Dresden?
- Gender constructions among right-wing youth
- Partnership in two worlds A project study on the subjective experience of a couple relationship in the everyday life of prisoners using the example of the JVA Zeithain
- The professional self-image of professionals in open child and youth work
- How unaccompanied refugee minors cope with everyday life– an ethnographic study
- Shared housing for mothers, fathers and children
- "Early Motherhood" - How do help and support of the public youth welfare services for young mothers develop in the area of conflict between risk management and resource orientation?
- Challenging behavior of workshop employees as described by professionals in a sheltered workshop for people with disabilities. A collective construction?
- How are foster children socially integrated into both of their families?
- Keeping animals in prison
- Voluntary work in church governing bodies
- Homeless assistance
- Participation in youth work
- Hellerau
- How do ASD [General Social Service] staff experience working with unaccompanied minor refugees?