Published theses
According to § 12 of the Doctoral Regulations, each doctoral candidate is required to publish his or her thesis. The following table lists the published doctoral theses of the Faculty of Education of the TU Dresden made available in SLUB from 2000 to date.
Published theses for the years 1974–2005 can be found here
Name of the doctoral candidate |
Title of the dissertation |
Mr. mustermann |
Name of the doctoral candidate |
Title of the dissertation |
Stefan Kaiser | AL 34000 | Development of a heterogeneous hybrid learning organisation at the DHBW Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and investigation of students' learning behaviour. |
Andreas Leon | DL6000 L579 | The shortage of teachers in the industrial-technical teaching profession: A consequence of inconsistently structured job opportunities? |
Rika Fleck | AL 34350 F593 | Influence of didactic, audiovisual and journalistic design elements on learning success and learning motivation in educational films : an empirical study on digital knowledge transfer at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences |
Dirk Wohlrabe | DL 7000 W846 | Didactic approaches in the learning field of metalworking professions |
Regina Waury-Eichler | DL 2000 | Interprofessional teaching programs in health care. An analysis of the professional identity development of teachers in the "Operation Team" project in Germany |
Name of the doctoral candidate |
Title of the dissertation |
Afri Yudantoko | A Metacognition-Based Digital Problem-Solving Worksheet: a Design-Based Research (An Empirical Study Focused on Automotive Fault Diagnosis Learning for Indonesian Prospective Automotive Vocational Teachers) | |
Markus Lohse | Unboxing professional counseling interaction of supervision experts and novices. Draft of an object-oriented theory of reflexive learning in triadic interaction. | |
Rolf Puderbach | Cross-entry and lateral entry into the teaching profession in Germany. Causes, forms and effects. | |
Natalie Peters | CP 3900 P482 | Promoting mental health through training interventions in the university and corporate context |
Elisa Bitterlich | An interactionist perspective on lifeworld references in mathematics education Interpretative analyses of learning processes with special consideration of language use and the characteristics of interactively negotiated lifeworld references |
Jana Riedel | DL 4340 - Online resource | "New media" = "new learning culture"? An investigation of teaching activities with digitally supported learning forms and tools in the context of the realization of a "new learning culture" |
Franziska Herrmann | Didactic research workshops with students and primary school children. A phenomenologically oriented study on creative experiences in research-based learning and creative writing. | |
Huan Liu | DN 7500 | Workplace learning - the professional development path of TVET metal cutting and welding teachers |
Christian Müller | Publisher wbv Publication ISBN 9783763974528 | Company training decisions in the garbage can. Type-forming reconstruction in small and micro enterprises. |
Manuela Käppeli | DS 2200 | Professional identities of social workers. Between recognition and being in relation. A qualitative-reconstructive study on professional identities of social workers of different generations in German-speaking Switzerland. |
Carsten Peter Schulze | Franz Steiner Verlag ISBN 978-3-515-13542-9 |
Assessment of the quality of interaction by teachers with prospective educators |
Sabine Brückner | Health-specific vocational rehabilitation of people with epilepsy in Saxony. Analysis of the current situation and theoretical presentation of individual alternatives for the implementation of services for participation in working life against the background of health-related quality of life. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Harald Arnold Friedrich Kunz | DV 2175 - Online resource | Saving, asserting, breaking new ground. People in the new federal states and their strategies for action in the transformation process |
Hoang Long Nguyen | wbv publishing house | Social counseling in the context of corporate social responsibility. An empirical study on work tasks and requirements in corporate social counseling in Germany |
Christine Dallmann | 2022 4 008861 | Media pedagogical interpretation patterns of teachers. A qualitative study on media pedagogical perspectives and the media pedagogical self-image of teachers in the style of Grounded Theory |
Pia Katharina Metzler | Springer publishing house | Self-realization as a pedagogical task? Investigation of an implicit concept of pedagogy between individualization and public spirit |
Georg Ronny Müller | DK 1020 - Online resource | Time - School - Innovation An empirical study on the innovation of school time structures |
Kristin Stein | DP 1700 - Online resource | Lesson planning in the multi-level school system - A qualitative vignette study on prospective teachers' approaches to planning teaching-learning arrangements |
Olaf Rönnau | MY 7500 R715 | A total institution as an interlude - the NVA cadet school from its foundation in 1956 to its dissolution in 1961 |
Rita Fransina Maruanaya | Vocational training cooperation: Studies on the cooperation of learning venues in vocational training in the field of hotel management in Indonesia | |
Katharina Schober | DL 7000 - Online resource | Development of a didactic-methodological approach for the logical structuring of content in the vocational field of nutrition and home economics. |
Christian Schwarzloos | DS 5300 S411 | The relevance of social network relationships in outreach social work with families. An investigation using the example of social pedagogical family support with special consideration of informal contexts: historical lines of development, conceptual foundations and empirical reconstructions |
Name of doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf/Signature or Link in Qucosa |
Title of dissertation |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Christin Schörmann |
Trauma and biographical work: A biographical analytical study based on narrated life stories of complex traumatized adults |
Ying Sun |
Exploring Inspirational Sources of Selection and Transformation: Industrial Designer's Self-perception of Idea Generation |
Frauke Düwel |
Lines of argumentation in teaching-learning contexts. Potentials of English technical texts on chromatography and their didactic integration in higher education |
Astrid Boll | DP 3000 | The importance of mathematics in elementary didactics - didactic knowledge and action of professionals in the elementary sector using the example of picture book use |
Lisa Janotta | MS 3600 J34 | Morality and statehood : case histories of employees in the federal police, immigration authorities and residence counseling centers |
Didik Hariyanto | DP 2500 | An Adaptive E-Learning System based on Student's Learning Styles and Knowledge Level |
Tatyana Brodjuk | 2020 8 012205 | Identity processes of German youth in Kazakhstan |
Marios Karapanos | DP 2680 K18 | User experience as a process feature of technology-enhanced learning |
Peter Arnold | Online resource | Digitization and teacher training : conditions for success and structures of training courses on the use of digital and interactive media in schools |
Manuela Heindl | DP 2600 H468 | The influence of digital technology on the inquiry learning process in education |
Kathrin Bernateck | 2021 8 001941 |
The biographical habitus of alternative practitioners: An analysis of professionalization processes based on narrated life stories |
Adisorn Ode-sri |
DV 2795 | A comparative study on scientific approaches for Center of Excellence in TVET sector under the scientific aspect of the demands in Thai Education System |
Silke Baum | MS 6440 B347 D1 | You stand on the street and stop!" : A user-oriented study on how women experience and cope with housing deprivation |
Peter Rogalla | DG 3000 | Home education as a component of youth welfare in the Soviet occupation zone and early GDR : an investigation using the example of educational institutions in the province of Brandenburg (1945-1953) |
Nadine Schaarschmidt | CU 7000 S291 |
Video-mediated counseling - |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Marcel Schweder | DG 8000 S412 | Viewpoint on juvenile detention. Observations and insights |
Christiane Bergner | DK 1040 B499 I3 | Improving education through technology in school management - Empirical evidence from schools in Germany |
Jenny Beer | MS 6470 B415 | Influencing the motivation of female juvenile prisoners for educational and vocational development through conditions in detention |
Sirkka Freigang | DL 4200 F863 | Designing intelligent & hybrid learning spaces by applying the "Internet of Things" to teaching and learning processes |
Kristina Barczik | Online resource | Acceptance of digital media among retired people in rural areas. The influence of subjective age experience, socio-ecological context and technology-specific factors. |
Phuong Chi Diep | Online resource | Models of instructional design based on the concept of action-oriented teaching for the training of technical vocational teachers in Vietnam |
Diego Gormaz Lobos | DV 2100 G671 | Continuing education and poverty prevention and alleviation: Analyzing the contributions of continuing education through case studies from Germany and Chile |
Xuan Tra Nguyen | Online resource | Design of a vocational training concept and training structure for a model of highly qualified and professional vocational training for the profession of digital and print media designer at vocational schools in Vietnam |
Manuela Liebig | DS 4000 L716 | Teaching in social pedagogical training programs - work task-based teaching and learning and consequences for the training of teachers in the vocational department of social pedagogy |
Ronny Krug | CP 5200 | Aspects of Open Educational Resources against the background of the economization of the education sector : A discourse-analytical study |
Jens-Uwe Stehle | Online resource | Exporting vocational education and training: development opportunities for inter-company training centers to open up international markets : a case study of BFW Sachsen's involvement in the Chinese construction sector |
Dessy Seri Wahyuni | Online Resource | Training Needs Analysis For Identifying Vocational Teachers' Competency Needs in ICT Expertise Program in Vocational High Schools in Bali Province |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Peter Döppler | AP 15965 | Digital maturity of SMEs and family businesses. Online media in internal communication and information management. |
Mashoedah | Online Resource | Developing Instructional Media Integrated with Learning Style Instrument for Industrial Electronics Study Programs of Vocational High Schools. |
Ralf Evers | Online Resource | The whole has no outside. The connection between religion and social pedagogy in Paul Natorp |
Marlis Pesch | CQ 6000 P473 | Predictors of psychological abnormalities in adolescents : analyses of the influence of coping behavior and the developmental contexts of family and friends on psychological abnormalities in adolescence |
Ulrike Leistner | MS 6500 | Communication barriers in written administrative-citizen communication and the mediating function of social work : the example of job center letters in the counseling of ALG II recipients |
Tong Zhu | DM 3009 Z63 | Research on the Development of internal quality assurance in teaching and learning in higher education in China based on a case study |
Matthias Ritter | DP 1800 R615 | Individualization and school : the concept of individualized teaching and its impact on academic achievement |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Eva Maria Stefanec | DL 2000 S816 | Requirements for the training of kindergarten teachers in day nurseries - A plea for a fundamental reform |
Ortrud Weidemann | DT 1500 W417 | Three-generation conflict in learning and work disorders - Studies on people with difficulties integrating into working life with severe mental illness. |
Stephan Bloße | DI 1520 B656 | Educational policy control impulses and school development in the context of all-day school expansion - internal evaluation as an instrument of evidence-based self-control using the example of the Saxon support procedure |
Jens Schulz | AL 40450 S389 | University development and e-learning. Challenges for service structures using the example of Saxon universities |
Christian Paulick | CI 5717 P327 | A search for traces of abnormal identity in the work of Michel Foucault |
Elisa Haustein | Online resource | Career and study orientation and choice in Saxony. An empirical analysis at the TUD Dresden University of Technology. |
Marcel Köhler | DL 4000 K77 E3 | The use of operators in written learning success assessments. An empirical study on the creation and understanding of didactic prompts in vocational theory lessons. |
Sandra Döring | DM 3000 D652 | Self-regulated learning with mobile technologies: learning strategies in continuing vocational training |
Markus Andrä | MS 2870 A553 |
The construction of masculinity in early educational interactions. An empirical study on the formation of boys' gender identity in interactions with educators in day care centers. |
Thomas Schöftner | Online resource | Possibilities of web-based adaptive (online) systems (using the example of the English Assistant) for increasing the foreign language competence of pupils in secondary level 1. An empirical study using the example of the subject English. |
Ulf Brandt | DW 1000 B821 | Business sociology and knowledge society : synergies and market-based innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through complementary cooperation with universities and educational institutions in joint scientific projects - exploration of individualization, social structure and technology under the conditions of economic globalization |
Ting Zhang | HD 172 Z63 | Vocationally oriented English training in Chinese technical and vocational colleges : take the major "industrial analysis and test" as an example |
Rahmatul Irfan | Online Resource | Developing A Computer and Network Engineering Major Curriculum For Vocational High School (VHS) in Indonesia |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Michael Nader | Online resource | What remains? Memories of elementary school - An empirical study on teaching professionalism |
Nina Göddertz | DF 1000 G594 | "Education for Maturity" - Reconstructive Analyses of Biographical Designs of Two-Generation Families in the Context of the Kinderladen Movement |
Miriam Mauritz | MS 3150 M456 | The private becomes political. Biographical emancipation processes in mother-daughter relationships in the Kinderladen movement. |
Ursel Sickendiek | MS 3150 S566 | Diversity and social inequality: Further developments in feminist theories and counseling. |
Katrin Haase | DS 5300 H112 | Professional self-perceptions in school social work. Biographical (re-)constructions of the professional becoming of the self-determined other. |
Nora Kirk | Online resource | The occupational biographical influence on body experiences in old age - a biography- and media-based analysis. |
Xiaohan Zhang | Online resource | Media literacy among teachers in vocational schools in China. An international comparative analysis, case study and design suggestions. |
Matthias Längrich | DP 1200 L158 | Tasks and feedback: Pedagogical challenges of basic programming training |
Ute Reichmann | DS 7100 R352 K8 | Controversial professionalism. Conflicts between professionals in youth welfare |
Gunda Jungwirth | DP 6500 J95 | Teachers' subjective theories on the teaching principle of sexuality education in the context of heterogeneity |
Sandrine Meguieng Sidze | Online Resource | Empowering Community Resilience to climate Change in Cameroon using Technology-enhanced Learning |
Sabine Cafuta | DI 3007 C129 | The implementation of the federal education plan for elementary educational institutions in Austria 2009 in Austrian kindergartens |
Mischa Engelbracht | MS 2430 E57 | Adolescent everyday life in custodial settings. A reconstructive study on socio-pedagogical educational processes in adolescents with multicomplex risk situations. |
Birgit Peuker | Online resource | The teaching kitchen as a subject area for vocational orientation at school. An investigation in WTH lessons at secondary schools in Saxony. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mrs. Charlotte Krondorf |
DW 4009 O83 | School education in juvenile detention |
Mr. Andree Adolph |
Online resource | Curricula as a control instrument in the school system. A study on the acceptance and effects of curricula in general education schools |
Mrs. Christina Anina Schlegl |
DO 9000 S339 |
Understanding others and identity constructions in intercultural learning processes. An explorative analysis of learning diaries of German students of the degree program "Applied Business Languages and International Business Management" during a semester abroad in Egypt |
Ms. Franziska Schäfer |
MS 7200 S294 | Life-historical significance of the children's store. A biographical study on (early) childhood pedagogy |
Mrs. Britt Großmann |
DD 9900 B981 | Elisabeth Busse-Wilson (1890-1974). A work and network analysis |
Mrs. Sandra Meusel |
2015 4 012212 | VOLUNTEERING AND SOCIAL INEQUALITY. Individual, familial and social interdependencies in the development of volunteering among socially disadvantaged people. |
Ms. Gudrun Kepplinger |
Online resource | On the way from teacher to learning facilitator. The use of EPOSTL and English-Assistant-WEB for the professionalization of English teachers for lower secondary level at teacher training colleges |
Mrs. Eszter Csépe-Bannert |
Online resource | Cooperation between vocational schools and companies in the context of initial vocational training using the example of the People's Republic of China. |
Ms. Simone Weissenbach |
DL 7000 W433 | The use of social media in in-company training - Development of a holistic didactic learning concept to promote the action and media competence of trainees |
Mr. Sven Hofmann |
2015 8 026752 | E-learning and ontologically structured planning of web-based teaching-learning scenarios - Development of a guideline for teachers for the didactic-methodical implementation of web-based teaching-learning scenarios in the context of grammar school teaching - |
Regina Fechter-Richtinger | Online resource | New paths in vocational orientation - Effects of an action-oriented learning sequence in the FabLab on learning motivation, creative problem solving and attitudes towards technology |
Julia Göhler | XC 5904 G594 | Learning and motivational effects of comics in a vocational learning environment on diabetes mellitus |
Gerhard Brandhofer | Online resource | The competencies of school teachers in dealing with digital media and the interactions between teaching theories and media didactics. |
Friederike Rausch-Berhie |
DW 1000 R248 | Adult education in Ethiopia and Uganda: A study of non-formal education programs, target group and policy field |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mrs. Lois Waithira Wendrock |
DV 2410 W472 Online Resource |
Target-group Oriented Monitoring & Evaluation of Community Development Projects -A Case Study of NGO Projects in Kenya |
Ms. Birgit Elend |
DL 4230 E39 | Informal learning in operational team management from the actors' perspective. An empirically developed analytical model and the construction of learning forms. |
Mr. Johannes Huber |
MS 1990 H877 V3 | Father, where are you? A social science approach to the dialectical phenomenon of paternal presence and absence |
Mrs. Carolin Frank |
Online resource | The world of work as a context Empirical foundations for the design of career-oriented teaching and learning processes for science and technology |
Mr. Sander Münster |
Online resource | Interdisciplinary cooperation in the creation of virtual historical 3D reconstructions |
Ms. Annett Kupfer |
MS 5920 K92 | Social support and psychosocial counseling. A qualitative analysis of the relationship between informal and professional help processes |
Ms. Sandra Wesenberg |
YH 5416 W512 | Effects of animal-assisted interventions on people with dementia in inpatient care |
Ms. Juliane Wahren |
MS 6440 W137 | The importance of social support for the health of women affected by violence in women's shelters |
Mrs. Negla Ahmed Albasheer Osman |
DW 4009 O83 | The acceptance and use of information and communication technologies by staff members in Khartoum State's universities (Sudan) |
Mrs. Claudia Börner |
DW 4000 B672 | Parents as media didacticians. Parental influence on children's educational computer and Internet use in the home learning environment |
Mrs. Eva Brockmann |
Online resource | Children of mentally ill parents at school. Conditions and consequences of the de-tabooing of parental mental illness in the school context on the relationship between parents, pupils and teachers-a qualitative study |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mrs. Gabriele Frick-Baer |
2013 4 001867 | The worst thing is being alone afterwards. An investigation of the time after the trauma event of sexual violence, the experience and consequences for those affected and the consequences for support and therapy. |
Mrs. Angelika Weirauch |
Online resource | About the art of living. Women shape their lives with disabilities. |
Ms. Yuliya Tsimoshchanka |
2013 4 009053 | Cooperative vocational training: Studies on the cooperative approach in German bilateral development cooperation in Central Asia using the example of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. |
Ms. Anett Perschk |
Online resource | On strengthening the practical relevance in the third phase of teacher training for vocational teachers at vocational schools in Saxony. |
Mr. Peter Koler |
Online resource | Identity-relevant aspects in the participation of young people in consumption scenes, especially alcohol scenes. |
Mrs. Ute Günther |
2013 4 007388 | Health-Resource-Building-Training: Conception and evaluation of a salutogenic intervention program for teacher training. |
Mrs. Cornelia Hähne |
2013 4 005646 | Dealing with the body, peers and sexuality - developmental tasks of adolescents in the focus of socialization conditions and healthy coping. A cultural comparison of German and Polish adolescents. |
Mr. Ikhfan Haris |
2013 4 007405 | Analysis of the continuing education activities of German companies in Indonesia. Consequences for the development of a continuing education management concept for Indonesian companies. |
Mrs. Antje Beckmann |
2013 4 010236 | Human Animal bond within the context of dementia - Possibilities of animal-assisted interventions on the psycho-social well-being and quality of life of elderly and demented people in inpatient facilities. |
Mr. Metwaly Saber Khallaf Mabed |
2013 4 007431 | The effectiveness of using blended learning in teaching electrical engineering for industrial education students. |
Mrs. Kristina Dietrich |
2013 4 010086 | Institutional upbringing and education of Jewish children in Germany. |
Mrs. Silke Dorethe Götte |
DL 4000 G599 | Customer orientation in technical environmental protection. Analysis and synthesis in the areas of activity wastewater technology |
Mrs. Melanie Wohlfahrt |
DV 2390 W846 | Informal teacher training in complementarity to formal teacher training in rural Anglophone Cameroon |
Ms. Sabrina Effinghausen |
2013 4 016760 | Diagnosis of mental illness; a life without a future? - Coping strategies of mentally ill people and support possibilities through social work using the example of outpatient assisted living |
Mrs. Reina Elizabeth Durán de Alvarado |
Online resource | Research on rising competences in technical education by implementing dual system's elements under El Salvador conditions in the field of Mechatronic |
Ms. Cathleen M. Stützer |
Online Resource | Information and knowledge transfer in collaborative learning systems. A structural and relational analysis of the influence of social organizational structures in knowledge networks using the example of the learning platform OPAL |
Mrs. Beatrix Maria Hauer |
2013 4 016467 | Development of didactic competencies through research-based learning. The use of the AuRELIA concept in teacher education |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucos |
Title of the dissertation |
Ms. Yan Sun |
2012 4 007058 | Study on the cooperative relation between higher vocational college and enterprise in China. |
Mr. Wolfgang Peter |
2012 4 011126 | Influence of action-oriented teaching-learning arrangements on competence-promoting, subject- and future-oriented, life-linked computer science teaching at grammar schools and vocational schools. |
Mr. Ralf Lottmann |
DW 1800 L884 | Trainers, goals and structures of post-vocational education. An empirical analysis of expert interviews in education for the elderly in Germany and the USA. |
Mr. Wendkouni Jean Eric Sawadogo |
2012 4 007054 | Labour market-oriented vocational training with special consideration of the so-called informal sector in Burkina Faso - responsibilities, structures and professionalization. |
Mr. Moussa Sangaré |
Online resource | Studies on the quality of educational services in private higher education institutions in Cote d'Ivoire - Elaboration of a model of quality higher education institution taking into account the Ivorian context. |
Ms. Anke Lehmann |
2012 4 013663 | Gretel's world. |
Mrs. Martina Reitmaier |
2012 8 027837 | Creation of digital learning opportunities. |
Mr. René Hempel |
2013 4 011973 | PDA type estimators for stochastic differential equations with functional drift and diffusion parameters. |
Mr. Michael Hille |
2013 4 001304 | The productivity of tolerating. An analysis of ways of coping with life of old men in need of assistance and care in residential care facilities for the elderly based on narrated life stories. |
Mrs. Raji Moromoke Nimota |
2012 4 009225 Online resource |
Professionalization of educational and vocational guidance in Nigeria - Analysis of national and international theory-based concept development and stakeholder networking. |
Mr. Helge Fischer |
2012 8 027834 | Adoption and innovation research. |
Mrs. Julia Günther |
2012 4 010608 | Neighborhood relations in prefabricated housing. An empirical study of social networks in problematic residential areas. |
Ms. Kathy Weinhold |
2012 4 009750 | Health self-help in everyday life - self-help measures of socially disadvantaged mothers to deal with everyday complaints of their children. |
Mr. Peter Kühn |
2012 4 015393 | Future grows from origin. Adoptees in search of genealogical roots. |
Mr. Alfred Klampfer |
DP 1960 K63 Online resource |
E-portfolios as a tool for professionalization in teacher education. Evaluation of technological and motivational factors of student use. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Ms. Petra Traxler |
Online resource | The importance of attitude and motivation for the use of e-learning by teachers at university colleges of education. |
Ms. Nina Kahnwald |
2011 4 018782 | Informal learning in virtual communities. Usage practices between information and participation. |
Ms. Alla Koval |
2011 4 010770 | Migration and gender in the context of biographical self-thematization. |
Mr. Frank Wenghöfer |
Online resource | Studies on the training and further training of vocational education teachers in projects of Germany's international vocational education cooperation with developing countries. |
Mr. Hassan A. El-Sabagh |
Online Resource | The Impact of a Web-Based Virtual Lab on the Development of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills. |
Ms. Jung-Sook Han |
Online Resource | Practice-inherent pedagogy of Korean female educators. |
Mr. Jan-Henning Raff |
AL 40450 R136 | Learners as designers. Studies of everyday design in learning activities. |
Mrs. Ouédraogo Abdoulaye |
DL 2009 O93 | Impact-based evaluation in vocational training using the example of the project "Promotion of vocational training" in Burkina Faso. |
Mr. Bounseng Khammounty |
2011 4 016469 Online resource |
Standards for vocational teachers in the LAOS P.D.R. |
Mr. Hashim Ahmed |
2011 4 014687 Online Resource |
Building capacity of teachers and trainers in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Sudan (Case of Khartoum State University). |
Ms. Dörte Görl-Rottstädt |
2011 4 019813 Online resource |
Transformation of work problems into learning problems - competence development accompanying learning counseling and support in Saxon prisons. |
Mr. Dan Fandrey |
DW 2000 F199 | Experiential educational settings and self-concept. |
Mr. Bahaaeldin Mohamed |
2011 4 007278 | Definition of a system for the management of project-based E-learning. |
Mr. Steffen Horn |
2011 4 017207 Online resource |
Impact-oriented evaluation of non-governmental German bilateral vocational training cooperation in Ghana. |
Mr. Sven Werner |
2011 4 012452 | Compassion as a guiding concept in pedagogy? On the formalization of the concept of compassion in selected pedagogical journals between 1890 and 1918. |
Mr. Jürgen Poch |
2012 4 001814 Online resource |
Analysis of quality indicators for the identification of competences and classification possibilities of further education courses in existing qualification frameworks using the example of care technology. |
Ms. Beate Hilbert |
2011 4 017210 Online resource |
Subjective constructions of German-Czech border area networks. A quantitative empirical study on the subjective relevance constructions of social work stakeholders. |
Mr. Dadang Kurnia |
2012 8 011332 | Vocational Education and Business in Indonesia - A study on the correspondence between industrial occupational requirements and secondary vocational education curricula using the example of full-time vocational education in the field of textile technology in Bandung, West Java. |
Mr. Benno Volk |
2011 4 018786 | Competence-oriented personnel development for academic teaching staff as a basis for innovative university teaching. Analysis of a further education concept for university lecturers to acquire e-learning skills. |
Ms. Ina Schönberger |
2011 4 019246 | The journal for child research. A contribution to the theoretical history of welfare and welfare education between 1896 and 1919. |
Mrs. Theresa Lempp |
2011 4 015965 | Civilian service as a field of socialization for young men - biographical learning processes and constructions of masculinity. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mr. Eberhard Raithelhuber |
2010 4 004350 | Transitions and Agency. A social-theoretical reflection on the reorientation of the life course concept. |
Mr. Jan Böhm |
DK 1040 B671 P1 | Pedagogical valences of school-specific events in the classroom environment - selected observations and interpretations. |
Mrs. Yvonne von Roux |
2010 4 013458 | Investigations on spatial behavior competence - a subject-centered view in a GIS-oriented learning environment. |
Mrs. Doreen Forßbohm |
DL 3000 F732 | Career choice as a decision. An examination of selected concepts of career choice from a gender-specific perspective. |
Mr. Thomas Fohgrub |
QP 330 F657 | Quality assurance of counseling through evaluation. Methodological approaches and critical reflection using the example of publicly funded consulting on personnel and organizational development of small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of the EQUAL Community Initiative. |
Mrs. Elisabeth Schwabe-Ruck |
AL 39500 S398 | 'Second chance' of access to higher education? An educational history study on the development and conception of the second educational pathway. |
Ms. Jillian Werner |
2010 4 015084 | Womens health count's? Constructing women's health in drug advertising. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Ms. Dorit Jentzsch |
2009 4 006841 | On the assessment of teamwork skills/competence in pupils. |
Mr. Thomas Prescher |
2009 4 010149 | Leadership as an organizational learning process: On the reconceptualization of self-monitoring from an educational science perspective. |
Mrs. Dagmar Hunold |
2010 4 000178 | The perception of people without regular residence status. Contextualization of arguments on illegality and illegalization in German and French print media 1992-2001. |
Ms. Mandy Pastohr |
Online resource | The capabilities of tertiary education systems at the threshold to the employment system. An investigation of knowledge structures in university, university of applied sciences and vocational academy degrees and the expectations of the employment system. |
Dr. Constance Winkelmann |
DL 6000 W774 M6 | Possibilities of integrating primary prevention content into teacher training: Development and testing of resource training for prospective and working teachers at vocational schools and competence training for the pre-vocational year. |
Mr. Jörg Neumann |
AL 40400 N492 | Organizational models in e-learning - support structures for e-learning at universities in the Free State of Saxony. |
Mrs. Susanne Heidenreich |
AL 40450 H465 | Pedagogical requirements for learning behavior in e-learning - dimensions of self-competence. |
Mr. Wilhelm Pieper |
DK 1058 P614 | Educational policy/pedagogical reform projects of the state of Lower Saxony between 1948 and 1998 in the building of the former air command in Braunschweig. |
Mr. Benno Fabricius |
2009 4 019137 | Socio-educational intervention as coupling - A theoretical discussion and empirical study on the stabilization of abstinence in post-acutely treated long-term addicts by means of narrative reflection processes. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mr. Ludwig Bilz |
DO 7000 B599 | Influences of school on the mental health of pupils. Empirical study on school-related risk factors of internalizing disorders in 11- to 16-year-olds. |
Mrs. Antje Richter |
Online resource | Orthographic competence in German under the condition of bilingualism. Spelling skills of Italian and German pupils in grades 4, 5, 6 and 9. |
Mrs. Yvonne Salman |
DL 4200 S171 | Educational effects through learning in the work process / Interlocking of learning and work processes between economic usability and individual development using the example of the IT further education system |
Mr. Rainer Göckler |
QV 200 G593 | Counseling in the context of sanctions. Sanction discussions in basic benefits for jobseekers. Theory and practice of implementation. |
Mrs. Simone Menz |
2008 4 013174 | Transitions and family - An empirical study on the East German transition problem in the context of family referrals. |
Mr. Steve Stiehler |
MS 2850 S855 M1 | Male friendships - a neglected resource. |
Mr. Dusit Khawloueng |
2008 4 020711 | A study on blended learning instructions focus on taxonomy of cognitive and psychomotor domains for undergraduate students with different cognitive styles. |
Mr. Bounpanh Xaymountry |
2008 4 020115 | Comparative study on the implementation of competency-based training approaches in Southeast Asia - case studies for Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Mr. Thomas Markert |
CX 4500 M345 | Exclusion in school classes. A qualitative case study on student and teacher perspectives. |
Mr. Vincent Nanga Suh |
DL 6009 N178 | An integrated approach towards initial and in-service training for TVET teachers in Cameron within a context of sectoral economic differences. |
Mrs. Julia Koinova-Zöllner |
DN 7000 K79 | Theory and practice of admission procedures in Russian-speaking and German-speaking teacher training institutions in a historical-systematic perspective. |
Mrs. Brigida Martins de Oliveira Singo |
DL 6009 M386 | Development of a context-related concept for the development and promotion of professional competencies among vocational school teachers in Mozambique. |
Mrs. Anja Klimsa |
DW 4000 K65 P8 | Prevention and media education. Development of a model for media education prevention work. |
Ms. Beate Brezan |
2008 4 002054 T1 |
Social developments in the knowledge society and the role of pedagogy. Results of a Delphi study. |
Ms. Regine Schelle |
2007 4 018153 Online resource |
Quality development and quality management in child and youth welfare. A study on developments, effects and necessary changes in day care centers with special consideration of special education day care centers. |
Mrs. Theodora Olsthoorn |
2007 4 016417 | Communication with people of a non-literate culture: The reconnaissance journeys of the Herrnhut Labrador Mission 1752-1770 |
Mrs. Thi Ngoc Lan Vo |
2007 4 013125 | The reform of technical teacher education at the Pedagogical Technical University (PTU) Ho Chi Minh City |
Mrs. Elli Reichert |
DS 6500 R351 | Welfare - Economy - Caritas. The welfare scientist Heinrich Weber (1888 - 1946) |
Name of the doctoral candidate | SLUB Shelf location/signature or link in Qucosa |
Title of the dissertation |
Ms. Angela Tillmann |
DH 1000 T577 | Informal learning on the Internet - "Identity scopes" in a virtual community |
Mr. Richard Krisch |
2006 4 015111 | Social space orientation as a methodology of youth work |
Mrs. Sigrun Eichhorn |
2007 4 000672 | Skilled work as an innovation factor illustrated by the example of chemistry-related laboratory work in the materials-related research sector |
Mr. Gabriele Lenzi |
2007 4 000713 | Potentials of social participation and informal learning of young people in transition constellations. An empirical study on Italian examples in a European comparison |
Mrs. Vera Bamler |
2006 4 014286 | Heterosexuality of old women - biographical constructions |
Woman Ernestine Höhne |
DF 3000 H693 | Pedagogy and ethics. A comparative analysis of the handling of normative questions in educational science and moral philosophy |
Mrs. Marietta Bittner |
Online-Resource | On the coherence between gender-specific socialization experiences at school and gender-segregated labour market structures |
Mr. Thomas Kreher |
2006 4 004082 | Disadvantaged young men's places of learning that are ignored |
Mr. Rüdiger Tauschek |
2006 4 010499 Online resource |
Problem-solving skills in complex technical systems. Possibilities for their development and promotion in vocational school teaching with the aid of computer-aided modeling and simulation. Theoretical and empirical analysis in industrial-technical vocational training. |