Offers for International Doctoral Candidates
Programs for International Doctoral Scholars at Faculty of Education in English Language:
- Continuing Education Module (presence at TU Dresden obligatory) "Research Training in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Postgraduates" for up to 1 year: TU Dresden Continuous Education Catalogue and in OPAL Research Training in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Postgraduates (english) - OPAL
- International Ph.D. Curriculum for beginners and short time guests (presence at TU Dresden obligatory) for the first 4 months: See document
- Online Curriculum and E-Modules of the international Ph.D. network (enrollment via TU Dresden, presence not necessary) in English language: Edu-Tech
- International Ph.D. Summer School "Education & Technology" which takes place for 6-12 days in one of the partnering universities in Europe or Asia every Summer: EaT Summer School (only to be attended upon enrollment at TU Dresden)
- International Ph.D. Winter School "Media and Computer Science" which takes place for 3-5 days at the IBS Laubusch in Saxony every Winter or Spring: PhD Winter School (only to be attended upon enrollment at TU Dresden)
- Structured Graduate Program of the Chairs of Educational Technology, Business Informatics, Digital Transformation in Business Education and Engineering Pedagogy in cooperation with the CODIP of TU Dresden: International Doctoral Colloqium "Education & Technology"