Chair of Didactics of Civic Education

NameProf. Dr. Anja Besand
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Curriculum Vitae
Download: CV english
2020 - today |
Director of the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy - JoDDiD |
2015 - 2021 |
Member of the Senate of TU Dresden |
2018 - 2022 | Member of the Scientific Council of the ZLSB |
2015 - 2017 | Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science |
2011 - 2021 | E-Learning Representative of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science |
April 2009 | Appointment to the Chair of Didactics of Civic Education at the TUD Dresden University of Technology |
Winter semester 2008/09 | Deputy Head of Chair of Didactics of Social Sciences at Justus Liebig University Giessen |
HABILITATION 2009 | Evaluation as junior professor at the PH Ludwigsburg with excellent results (habilitation equivalent) |
2004-2009 | Junior professor at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Ludwigsburg University of Education |
PROMOTION 2003 | Dissertation with the title: Angst vor der Oberfläche. On the relationship between aesthetic and political learning in the age of new media |
1998-2004 | Research Associate at the Institute for School Pedagogy and Didactics of Social Sciences at JLU Giessen |
1991-1999 | Studies at the JLU Giessen with the following degrees: State examination for the teaching profession at Hauptschulen and Realschulen in the subjects of social studies and art education (1998) and master's degree in the subjects of art education, political science and didactics of social sciences (1999) |
Scientific consulting activity
- In spring 2019, Prof. Dr. Besand worked on the Enquet Commission "Causes and Forms of Racism and Discrimination in Thuringia" as part of the hearing procedure, advising the Thuringian state parliament at the suggestion of the CDU.
- Also in spring, the opportunity arose to work on the curriculum commissions for the subject GK at secondary schools and grammar schools.
- On 18.10.2018, he was appointed as a member of the Federal Government's Expert Commission for the preparation of the 16th Children and Youth Report. More about this here
- Since 6/2018 Member of the Scientific Council of the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Advisory board member of the Center for Civic Education since 2018
- Research advisor for the study "Islamophobia among young people" , which is being conducted and supported by the Faculty of Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the "Migration and Inequality Research" working group there
- 2017 Advisory board member of the state program Cosmopolitanism Saxony for Democracy and Tolerance at the Saxon Ministry for Social Affairs, Consumer Protection and Integration
- 2017 Appointment to the expert committee of the Saxon Ministry of Culture to strengthen political education in the Free State of Saxony More about this here
- Since summer 2016 member of the scientific advisory board of the project"aula
Schule gemeinsam gestalten" project, which is run by politik-digital e.V. under the direction of Marina Weisband and funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education
Liaison lecturer at the Heinrich Böll Foundation since 2015
- 2015-2017 Advisory board member of the political education transfer office. More about this here
- Member of the program advisory board of the German Children and Youth Foundation Kitanetzwerk Demokratie von Anfang an (since 2010-2013)
- Scientific advisor to the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (2011-2017) read more here
- Evaluation and advisory activities for various projects of the Robert BOSCH Foundation (since 2009)
- Scientific advisor to the CC Buchner publishing house (since 2009)
- Member of the Speakers' Council of the Society for Political Didactics, Political Youth and Adult Education - GPJE (since 2008)
- Evaluation and consulting activities for the bpb Federal Agency for Civic Education (since 2007)
- Scientific advisor to the dpa German Press Agency in the development of children's news (2006-2009)
I have gained pedagogical experience in almost all types of schools with a wide variety of target groups. In elementary school, for example, I taught at the Hiller Primary School in Bietigheim Bissingen. At secondary level I and II, for example, by teaching at the integrated comprehensive school Giessen Ost. At vocational school, for example by teaching at the Theodor Litt School Giessen - BVJ section. In extracurricular political education, for example as a pedagogical employee at the Zentrum für Lernen und Arbeit e.V. (Zela) or as a pedagogical employee in the art in prison project at the Butzbach correctional facility. In addition, she has experience in higher education didactics at the University of Giessen, the Ludwigsburg University of Education and the TUD Dresden University of Technology and experience in political education, for example for the State Center for Political Education in Baden Württemberg or Weiterdenken - the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Saxony.
Board activities in ...
... Center for Inclusive Political Education - ZipB e.V.
... Politics Museum e.V.
... RAA Saxony (Regional Offices for the Promotion of Children and Young People from Immigrant Families and Regional Offices for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA))