Nov 09, 2021
Peter Henkenborg Prize for the didactics of political education goes to the "Open Process" project of ASA FF e.V.

Minister of State Katja Meier (SMJusDEG) with Prof. Anja Besand and the winners of "Open Process
On November 8, 2021, the Peter Henkenborg Prize for the Didactics of Political Education was awarded. We at JoDDiD are super proud to have played a part in this. Peter Henkenborg held the Chair of Didactics of Civic Education at TU Dresden from 1999 to 2006 and was the predecessor of our Director, Prof. Anja Besand.
The prize was awarded for the first time this year and went to "Offener Prozess". The Chemnitz project of the ASA FF e.V. convinced the jury because it found an innovative political didactic way to deal with the NSU complex. The very diverse methods manual presented takes up an innovative aspect by focusing on the fact that things not only have to be learned, but also unlearned.The material also conveys the perspectives of those affected. The didactic preparation is truly exemplary in terms of both quantity and quality against the background of current scientific/didactic discourses on political education critical of racism.
We would like to congratulate and thank "Offener Prozess" for their ambitious and important work!
Contact for media inquiries:
Nele Mai or Tina Hölzel
Research Associates
John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Institute of Political Science
Chair of Didactics of Civic Education
01062 Dresden
Phone: +49351-463 41142
Fax: +49351-463-36928
E-mail: Tina Hölzel Nele Mai