Jun 06, 2024
Educational offer for the SAB
Today was a very special day. We had the opportunity to hold an internal training course for employees of the Sächsische Aufbaubank, which we have been working towards for a long time. This team decides on all funding applications in the field of political education and democratic work. Our topic was: What is good democratic education and how can you recognize it?
What can we say? It was really, really great. We were met with great openness and a willingness to enter into a serious discussion on the question of where we want to go with political education and democratic work in this federal state. We would like to thank the Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - for the time, the great opportunity, the warm hospitality and the willingness to seriously engage in the debate. We have learned a lot of new things today and hope this will not be the last time.