May 19, 2022
Political education at school
There is a new evening school play! Take a look here :
What is this episode about?
At first glance, the topic of this evening school play might seem like pretty cold coffee. Political education in schools - enough has already been said and written about this, you might think. But here at the Joddid Evening School, we want to look at this topic from a special perspective and that is the perspective of extracurricular political youth and adult education.
Before we get started:
Like most evening school episodes, the episode is just under 30 minutes long and is based very much on findings from ,,Ranking politische Bildung'' by the University of Bielefeld, which we also strongly recommend for in-depth reading.
The central question is:
What should or must one know about school-based political education from the perspective of non-school-based political youth (and adult) education, or perhaps even more fundamentally: why should one engage with school-based education from this perspective?
Who am I listening to?
The author and speaker in this episode is Prof. Dr. Anja Besand, Director of the John Dewey Research Center and Chair of Didactics of Civic Education at Dresden University of Technology.
We hope you enjoy it and look forward to your feedback.