Feb 01, 2022
Event announcement: February 28th, 2022 The Didactic Quartet at the JoDDiD
Based on the well-known format "The Literary Quartet", "The Didactic Quartet" discusses selected materials, formats and approaches to political education four times a year under the questions:
"What is it good for?" and "How can it be used?"
What is the Didactic Quartet? How can I take part?
Based on the well-known format "The Literary Quartet", "The Didactic Quartet" discusses selected materials, formats and approaches to political education four times a year under the questions:
"What is it good for?" and "How can it be used?"
- The first didactic quartet will take place digitally on Monday, February 28, 2022 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm
- The link to the online event room: ZOOM event access
- The topic of the first Didactic Quartet is What we can do now! Reflecting on political education in the face of war
- Guests:
Özcan Karadeniz, Association of Bi-national Families and Partnerships Leipzig e.V.,
Conceptual management and head of the office
Norbert Hanisch, Kinder- und Jugendring Sachsen e.V. (KJRS), Head of the Youth Participation Service Center
Heidi Bischof, Netzwerk für Demokratische Kultur e.V. (NDK), education officer, regional promoter for development education/global learning
n.n., Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft politisch-kulturelle Bildung Sachsen e.V. (pokubi)
Anja Besand, Chair of Didactics of Civic Education, Director of the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy (JoDDiD)
Moderation: Kathleen Markwardt, JoDDiD
More information on the series can be found here.