May 17, 2022
#38 Sharing hope
We are currently observing the return of nationalist ideas of control and the call for the past in many places. In the article by Prof. Anja Besand, "Hope and its peril. Politische Bildung im Zeitalter der Illusionskrise'' from the anthology 'Politische Bildung mit Gefühl' edited by Anja Besand, Bernd Overwien and Peter Zorn, this is seen as a symptom of the illusion crisis. Many people currently find it difficult to imagine a better, more beautiful or fairer society and instead fall back on retropical ideas.
In the above-mentioned article*, Anja Besand formulates the sharing of hope as a strategy to counter the prevailing crisis of illusion.
We want to make this very concrete with our idea today. We can think about this on a small scale: for example, as an exercise in educational formats. At the beginning of a workshop, all participants are asked to share information/encounters/events that give them hope. The examples can be of private or public origin.
We can also take our idea much further, for example as a poster campaign, newspaper column or radio feature. Based on the good news approach, we could regularly share news and events that give us hope.
You could take a look here for inspiration. Maybe there are a few "good news" stories that you think are suitable for today's idea.
*If you would like to listen to the above-mentioned article (in german), which was read by Anja Besand as part of our "The JoDDiD reads" format, click here.