Bin Zhang
Research Associate
NameDr. Bin Zhang
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- since November 2024: Erasmus representative of the Institute of German Studies and Media Cultures, TU Dresden
- November 2024: Funding of a DaF research project by the Goethe-Institut Beijing. Title: Construction-grammatical and usage-based teaching of idiomatic constructions - an empirical study in DaF lessons for beginners in a Chinese foreign language school.
- Since October 2024: Research Associate at the Chair of German Linguistics and Language History, TU Dresden (Habilitation)
- 2023: Dr. Walther Liebehenz Dissertation Prize 2022, To the press release on the homepage of the University of Göttingen:
- 2023: Prize of the Society for Intercultural German Studies for Young Researchers 2022
- 2023: Printing cost grant from the Geschwister Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the Humanities
- since 2023: Freelance lecturer, German Seminar, Leibniz University Hannover
- 2022-2024: Research Associate at the Institute for German Language and Literature II/Mercator Institute for Language Support and German as a Second Language, University of Cologne.
- since 2022: Freelance lecturer at the University of Cologne, Department of German as a Foreign Language
- since 2022: Freelance lecturer of German as a foreign language at the Goethe-Institut Düsseldorf/Göttingen/Bonn
- since 2022: Freelance lecturer, Seminar for German Philology, Department of Intercultural German Studies, Georg August University Göttingen
- 2022-2023: Lecturer for German as a foreign language, Institute for Intercultural Communication, Georg-August-University Göttingen
- 2022-2023: Research Associate, German Department, Leibniz University Hannover
- 2022-2023: Freelance lecturer, Humboldt University of Berlin, Professsur Deutsch in mulitlingualen Kontexten
- since 2017: Online freelance DaF teacher
- 2017-2022: Doctorate in German Philology and Intercultural German Studies, Georg-August-University Göttingen
- 2014-2017: Master's degree in German Linguistics, Cultural Studies and Intercultural German Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Georg-August-University Göttingen
- 2010-2014: Bachelor's degree in German Linguistics and English Literature, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Core research areas
- Conceptual theories of metaphor
- Prosodic constraints in constructions
- Cognitive construction grammar (usage-based and typological approach)
- Synchronic, diachronic and comparative analyses of a specific linguistic construction (e.g. serial verb constructions, free datives)
- Cognitive critical discourse analysis, philosophy of language, language criticism
- Language typology
- First and second language acquisition (German as a second/foreign language)
- Constructive grammatical language didactics
The following publications were not published by Bin Zhang at the Chair of German Linguistics and Language History at TU Dresden.
Review of Tsuyoshi Ono/Ritva Laury/Ryoko Suzuki (2021): Usage-based and Typological Approaches to Linguistic Units. Amsterdam: Benjamins. In: Constructions and Frames. Vol. 16(1), 162-168.
Review of Xiang Li: Pronunciation training in the area of prosody for Chinese GFL learners. Schriften zur Sprechwissenschaft und Phonetik. Volume 28. Berlin: Frank & Timme Verlag. In: Information on German as a Foreign Language, 51(2-3), 196-199.
Metaphor theory and construction grammar. A four-dimensional approach to the analysis of metaphors and metaphorical constructions. Series Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik. Vol. 587. Tübingen: Narr.
OBEN-UNTEN metaphors in Chinese and German: A corpus-based analysis. In: Barbara Dengel, Deming Kong, Yan Yao (eds.): Grenz│Überquerungen. 14 essays. German-Chinese topics and fields of work in intercultural German studies. (Series interKULTUR, European-Chinese Intercultural Studies). Göttingen: Göttinger Universitätsverlag.
Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: Addressing Current Research Challenges. In: Cognitive Linguistic Studies. Volume 9/2, 185-201 (ERIH PLUS) (together with Andreas Wirag, Yunong Li)
Review of Sonja Taigel (2021): Iconicity. A brief introduction to German linguistics. In: Journal for Linguistics. Volume 41, Issue 2, 429-434 (A&HCI, SSCI).
Review of Anja Binanzer, Jana Gamper, Verena Wecker (eds.) (2021): Prototypes - Schemata - Constructions. Studies on German morphology and syntax. Berlin: de Gruyter. In: Mother tongue. Issue 4, 375-378 (A&HCI)
Review of Simon Kasper (2020): Man and his grammar. A historical corpus study with anthropological intent. Tübingen: Narr. In: Mother tongue. Issue 4, 393-396 (A&HCI)
Review of Thomas Niehr, Jörg Kilian, Jürgen Schiewe (eds.) (2020): Handbook of Language Criticism. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. In: Mother tongue. Issue 1, 75-78 (A&HCI).
Review of Andrea Tyler, Lihong Wang, Hana Jan (eds.) (2018): What is Applied Cognitive Linguistics. Answers from Current SLA Research. Berlin: de Gruyter. In: Journal for Applied Linguistics. Issue 74, 123-132 (ERIH PLUS)
Correspondence of soldiers in the Second World War. Jiangxi: Baihuazhou Literature and Art Publishing House) (book translation, responsible for more than 1/3 of the book and subject index) (together with Yun FAn, Jingyu Wang and Mi Tang)
- Study on Iconicity. An Intercultural and Typological Perspektive (chinesischer Titel: 跨文化与语言类型学视野下的象似性研究). Eingeladener Vortrag an der Beijing Foreign Studies University, School of German Studies, China. 25.09.2024.
- Morphological Iconicity and Productivity in Idiomatic Constructions. The 13th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG 13), Göteborg, University of Gothenburg, Schweden. 26.08.2024-28.08.2024
- Ikonizität in idiomatischen Konstruktionen. Evidenz aus den chinesischen Chengyu-Konstruktionen. Eingeladener Vortrag an der Universität Paderborn. Workshop „Ikonizität in der Grammatik“, 08.08 – 09.08.2024 (verschoben auf 2025)
- Interkulturalität als ein Lösungsrezept für die Krisenzeit. (Dankesrede anlässlich der Verleihung des Preises der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik für jüngere Forscherinnen und Forscher 2022), Seoul National University, GiG Tagung 2024, Südkorea. 30.06.2024.
- „Die Zeit fährt Auto“ Wie analysiere ich metaphorische Ausdrücke konstruktionsgrammatisch? (Dankesrede anlässlich der Verleihung des Dr.-Walther-Liebehenz-Dissertationspreises 2022), Archäologisches Institut der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 01.11.2023.
- Gebrauchsbasierte und kognitionsorientierte Deutschdidaktik und -lernen. (chinesischer Titel:鉴于认知和用法导向型的德语教与学). Eingeladener Vortrag an der Beijing Foreign Studies University, School of German Studies, China. September 2023
- Das Anwendungspotential der kognitiven Konstruktionsgrammatik in der Deutschsprachdidaktik. (chinesischer Titel: 认知构式语法在德语教学中的应用). Eingeladene Vortragsreihe an der Wuhan University, School of Foreign Language Studies, China September 2023.
- Erwerb des Deutschen im mehrsprachigen Kontext. Ein Beispiel aus dem Wortstellungserwerb. Eingeladene Vortragsreihe an der Wuhan University, School of Foreign Language Studies, China. September 2023.
- Über die möglichen Beiträge der Konstruktionsgrammatik zur Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung. Workshop: Plurilingualism in a Globalized World. Department of German Studies, University of Arizona, USA. November 2022.
- Konstruktionsgrammatik. Grundkonzepte und Forschungsmethoden. Eingeladener Online-Vortrag an der Zhejiang Universität (浙江大学), China, 23.01.2022. (Chinesischer Titel: 揭开“构式语法”的面纱:基本概念和研究方法)
- (zusammen mit Andreas Wirag und Yunong Li) Current Challenges in the Applied Cognitive Linguistics, The 4th Białystok-Kiev Conference on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (TALC4), Language in Context: Perspectives from Linguistics, Translation Studies, and Language Education. Białystok, Poland, 02.12. – 03.12.2021
- New Developments in Cognitive Linguistics and Cognitive Construction Grammar. Reflections on the Roles of Prosody, Semantic Role and Pragmatics. Eingeladener Online-Vortrag an der Central South University (中南大学), China, 26.11.2021. (Chinesischer Titel: 认知构式语法发展的新动向:兼谈韵律、语义角色和语用的作用)
- Dativus-ethicus-Constructions (DeCs) and the Neglected Role of Prosody in Linguistic Constructions, The 9th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistic Association (DGKL/GCLA-9), Cognitive Linguistics as an Interdisciplinary Endeavour: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Universität Erfurt, 29.09. – 02.10.2021 (verschoben auf März 2022)
- Politik und Diskursanalyse, Mastervertiefungsseminar: Politik und Sprache (Germanistik), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 19.12.2019.
- Serial Verb Constructions Revisited - A Construction Grammar Approach to the Da-Constructions in Mandarin Chinese, The 11th Chinese Cognitive Linguistics Symposium, Cognitive Linguistics in China: Traditions and Innovations, Beijing Foreign Studies University. 01.11. – 03.11.2019.
- Serial Verb Constructions Revisited - A Construction Grammar Approach to the Da-Constructions in Mandarin Chinese, The 11th Chinese Cognitive Linguistics Symposium, Cognitive Linguistics in China: Traditions and Innovations, Beijing Foreign Studies University. 01.11. – 03.11.2019.
- Orientierungsmetaphern im Chinesischen und Deutschen - eine korpusgestützte Analyse von OBEN-UNTEN-Metapher, The 8th Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, Applied Cognitive Linguistics. Universität Koblenz, 26.09. – 28.09.2018.
- Metaphor as a Special Linguistic Mismatch between Form and Meaning, Summer School Form-Meaning Mismatches in Natural Language, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 30.07. – 10.08.2018.
TU Dresden - Institut für Germanistik
- WiSe 2024/25: Seminar Konstruktionsgrammatik und Sprachdidaktik
- WiSe 2024/25: Seminar Ikonizität