![Logo Institut Klassische Philologie](https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/slk/klassphil/ressourcen/bilder/bilder_institut/logo/Logo-blau.png/@@images/556bd8c0-3b07-41ef-b2a8-f3b83800ab0a.png)
Classical Philology in Dresden
The Institute of Classical Philology was established at TU Dresden in 1992 and until 2020 comprised two professorships with research emphasis on the literature of classical antiquity (Latin Studies: Prof. Dr. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler; Greek Studies: Prof. Dr. Christian Mueller-Goldingen). While the Professorship in Latin Studies was taken over by Prof. Dr. Dennis Pausch in 2014, there has been a new Junior Professorship in Classics/Greek Literature, to which Prof. Dr. Mario Baumann was appointed at the beginning of the summer semester 2021.
The Institute of Classical Philology together with the Professorship in Ancient History and the Professorships in Catholic and Protestant Biblical Theology form the Dresden Classical Studies. These institutional partners jointly organise the Dresden Classical Studies Presentations, which are held each semester.