Angelika Gleisberg

Office / Web editing
NameAngelika Gleisberg
Prof. Böhm, PD Dr. Lindorfer, Center France | Francophonie
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
W48, Room 4.02 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Fakultät SLK
Institut für Romanistik
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 13:30 - 15:30
- Tuesday:
- 13:30 - 15:30
- Wednesday:
- 13:30 - 15:30
- No office hours on January 29, 2025
- Thursday:
- 13:30 - 15:30
Office availability: Daily. Office hours for students: Mon-Thu, 13:30-15:30h and by appointment. Closed for vacation: March 28, 2025.
Professional background:
- School education:
1965-1973: Polytechnic secondary school Schleife
1973-1977: Sorbian extended secondary school "Marjana Domaškojc" Cottbus (Abitur: 1977) - Studies: 1977-1982 at the University of Transport "Friedrich List" Dresden (Economics of Transportation, degree: Diplomingenieurökonomin)
- 1984-1987 Employee in sales planning / economics at Robotron-Elektronik Radeberg
- 1987-1991 Research Associate at the Institute for Rationalization of Electrical Engineering/Electronics Dresden
- 1991-1992 Retraining at the INLINGUA language school in Dresden: foreign language correspondent English/French
- 1993-1994 Clerk in the management of the Old Masters Picture Gallery Dresden
- since September 1994: Foreign language secretary at the Institute of Romance Studies in the following areas:
French Studies and Francophonie/ CIFRAQS (Prof. Kolboom, until 2012); Literary Studies (French/Italian) (Prof. Reichel, until 2004),
Literary Studies (French/Italian) (Prof. Leeker, until 2014);
Didactics of Romance languages (until July 2014);
French Literature and Cultural Studies (Prof. Böhm, since 2014);
French Literature and Cultural Studies (substitute - PD Dr. Karen Struve, winter semester 2020/21 and summer semester 2021);
French Literature and Cultural Studies (substitute - PD Dr. Beatrice Schuchardt, WiSe 2021/22-SoSe 2022);
French Literature and Cultural Studies (substitute - PD Dr. Bettina Lindorfer, from winter semester 2022/23);
and at the Institute of German Studies:
Media Studies and Modern German Literature (Prof. Koch, since 2014)