Ongoing third-party funded projects
Teaching videos for the development of hermeneutic case competence in teacher training
The project is part of the third-party funded project "TUD Dresden University of Technology-Sylber". It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the joint "Quality Campaign for Teacher Education" of the Federal and State governments.
Case-related interpretation skills are required in order to adequately analyze teaching processes and to act professionally as a teacher on this basis. The project investigates how students of French, Spanish and Italian develop hermeneutic case competence using video sequences of real lessons. The aim is to develop and empirically evaluate a higher education didactic concept that provides for the integration of case-reconstructive work during training using video recordings of real teaching situations into the subject-specific didactic components of the teacher training course.
NamePD Dr. Christoph Mayer
Lehrbeauftragter ReLa und Fachdidaktik
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W48, Raum 412 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
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nach Vereinbarung
Cataloguing and digitization of manuscripts in Italian at the SLUB
As part of this cooperation project, the Italian-language manuscripts of the SLUB Dresden are to be catalogued according to the DFG's proven "Guidelines for Manuscript Cataloguing" for medieval and modern manuscripts and - insofar as their period of origin is not in the Middle Ages - completely digitized. The project combines the expertise of the Manuscript Centre of Leipzig University Library for the description of medieval manuscripts, the SLUB Dresden in the field of digitization and library infrastructure and the cooperation partner, the Chair of Romance Linguistics at TU Dresden for scientific quality assurance in the description of Italian manuscripts.
SLUB Dresden
Department of Manuscripts, Old Prints and Regional Studies
Nuove frontiere della ricerca petrarchesca: ecdotica, stratificazioni culturali, fortuna
Prof. Dr. Maria Lieber, in close cooperation with Fabio Forner from the University of Verona, is devoting herself primarily to the study of Petrarch manuscripts in Germany and especially in Dresden in a sub-project of the major PRIN-funded project on New Frontiers of Petrarch Research. The national coordinator of the project is Vincenzo Fera of the University of Messina.
Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
Professorin am Institut für Romanistik von 1993 bis 2022
NameProf. Dr. Maria Lieber
Romanistik Sprachwissenschaft Frz.|Ital.
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Invectivity in literary and cinematic representations of migration in 20th/21st century Italy
Invectivity in literary and cinematic representations of migration in 20th/21st century Italy Invectivity in literary and cinematic representations of migration in 20th/21st century Italy
Subproject M of the Collaborative Research Center 1285 Invectivity. Constellations and dynamics of disparagement
Head: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller
Duration: 2017 - 2022
The sub-project focuses on literary and cinematic narratives of migration in the Italian narrative community in order to analyze aesthetic stagings of invective social conflicts since the beginning of the 20th century. The recent history of migration in Italy opens up completely different perspectives on migration conflicts, which are given cultural meaning in narratives. Conflicts between "us" and "them" groups are negotiated narratively and positioned in the context of emigration, immigration, internal migration, colonialism and post-colonial constellations. Literature and film thus discuss borders and identification patterns of imaginary communities that are involved in the negotiation of cultural order in connection with historical migration processes.
Italy is particularly suitable for such an investigation because extensive opposing migration movements can be observed here. While Italian society was characterized by emigration for almost the entire 20th century, this trend has been reversed since the early 1990s: Italy is undergoing a transformation from an emigration society to an immigration society - with this transformation creating considerable economic, social and cultural friction. This makes it possible to observe divergent conflict situations, ideological codings and cultural interpretations and to determine variations or continuities of the invective.
Literary and cinematic narratives of migration not only observe, describe and encode invective as part of migration conflicts. At the same time, they analyze and interpret these conflicts of us/them groups on an aesthetic meta-level as part of social communication. The sub-project therefore asks
- what role narrative stagings of invectiveness play in migration narratives,
- how they dynamize, reflect or moderate the social discourse on migration and its invective components,
- how the negotiation and plausibilization of social conflicts, political identifications and cultural scripts takes place historically and in the media,
- how confrontational friend-foe constellations are made plausible and antagonistic patterns of action are (de)legitimized,
- which historical discourse politics, knowledge regimes and affective dynamics underpin invectively enriched migration narratives, and finally
- how aesthetically modeled narratives and politics interact.
The aim is to contribute to the SFB's theory-building, in particular through considerations that show that and how (de)legitimization discourses of social asymmetry are always narratively anchored.
To this end, sub-project M works on literary and cinematic narratives of migration from the four historical phases 1900-1922, 1922-1945, 1946-1989, 1990-today. Working areas A and B concentrate primarily on the contemporary phase, which has seen an enormous increase in migration narratives since 1990. Work area C examines historical phases 1-3, the period between 1900 and 1989, when migration did not yet play a conspicuous role in literature and film.
Work area A: Invective constellations in literary migration narratives
Work area B: Invective constellations in cinematic migration nar ratives
Work area C: Cultural interpretation processes and migration-induced invectivity
NameProf. Dr. Elisabeth Tiller
Professur für Italienische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
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Visiting address:
W48, Raum 419 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Wednesday:
- 17:00 - 18:00
- Sommersemester 2023
vorlesungsfreie Zeit: Di, 23.07.24, 17:00-18:00 Uhr / Do, 22.08.24, 11:00-12:00 Uhr / Do, 26.09.24, 15:00-16:00 Uhr