On this page you will find an overview of the publications of the Chair of Slavic Literatures.
Table of contents
Recent publications of Professor Dr. Klavdia Smola
Klavdia Smola, Ilya Kukulin, and Annelie Bachmaier (Eds.). (Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2024
together with Mark Lipovetsky, Tomáš Glanc, Maria Engström, Ilja Kukuj, and Klavdia Smola (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Soviet Underground Culture. Oxford University Press, 2024
Evgeny Dobrenko, Klavdia Smola. "(Multi)national Faces of Socialist Realism—Beyond the Russian Literary Canon". Slavic Review, Volume 81, Issue 4 - Winter 2022. Cambridge University Press.
Reinventing Tradition. Russian-Jewish Literature between Soviet Underground and Post-Soviet Deconstruction. Boston, Academic Studies Press, 2022.
Russian version:
Изобретая традицию. Современная русско-еврейская литература. Новое литературное обозрение. Москва 2021. (Translation from German)
together with Maxim D. Shrayer; Roman Katsman (Eds). The Parallel Universes of David Shrayer-Petrov: A Collection Published on the Occasion of the Writer’s 85th Birthday. Academic Studies Press, 2021.
The book is now available on the publisher's website.
Russian Translation:
совместно с Романом Кацман и Максимом Д. Шраер: Параллельные вселенные Давида Шраера-Петрова. Сборник статей и материалов к 85-летию писателя. Ред.-сост. Спб.: Academic Studies Press, Библиороссика, 2021.
Wiedererfindung der Tradition: Russisch-jüdische Literatur der Gegenwart. Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2019.
Politik und Kunst im neuen Osteuropa. Berlin: Themenheft der Zeitschrift "Osteuropa", 69/5, 2019.
gem. mit Mark Lipovetsky (Eds.): Russia – Culture of (Non-)Conformity: From the Late Soviet Era to the Present. Amsterdam: ScienceDirect 2018.
Jewish Underground Culture in the late Soviet Union. Taylor & Francis Group 2018.
Нонконформизм как перформативное зеркало режима. [Nonkonformismus als performativer Spiegel des Regimes]. Themencluster in der Zeitschrift Новое литературное обозрение [Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie], 155, №1, 2019, 226-289.
cовместно с Дирк Уффельманн. Постколониальность постсоветских литератур: конструкции этнического [Postkolonialität der postsowjetischen Literaturen: Konstruktionen des Ethnischen]. Themencluster in der Zeitschrift Новое литературное обозрение [Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie], №2, 144, 2017, 420-508.
together with Dirk Uffelmann (Eds.): Postcolonial Slavic Literatures after Communism. New York: Peter Lang 2016.
together with Olaf Terpitz (Edit.): Jüdische Räume und Topographien in Ost(mittel)europa. Konstruktionen in Literatur und Kultur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2014.
More publications of Prof. Klavdia Smola can be found on this page. |
Recent publications of Dr. Astrid Winter
More publications of Dr. Astrid Winter can be found on this page. |
Recent publications of Dr. Tatiana Weiser (Vaizer)
- "Strong democratic institutions are based on the coercion of dialogue." Interview with a political philosopher Tatiana Weiser («Сильные демократические институты базируются на принуждении к диалогу». Интервью с политическим философом Татьяной Вайзер) / Republic. 6.12.2021 https://republic.ru/posts/102518
Boris Dubin: The Meaningful Vertical of Life. Book of interviews about Russian politics and culture 1990-2000s (Борис Дубин: Смысловая вертикаль жизни. Книга интервью о российской политике и культуре 1990 –2000-х) / Former T. Weiser. St. Petersburg. Ivan Limbakh Publishing House. 2021. (in Russian)
- Public sphere: From free judgment to civic self-awareness (Публичная сфера: от свободного суждения к гражданскому самосознанию). In: Republic. 29 Jan. 2020.
- Imperfect public sphere. History of Publicity Regimes in Russia / Compendium. T. Weiser, T. Atnashev, M. Veližev. (Несовершенная публичная сфера. История режимов публичности в России / Сборник, сост.: Т. Вайзер, Т. Атнашев, М. Велижев. М). Novoje Literaturnoe obozrenie, 2020.
Putin’s Slangy Newspeak as a Paradox of His Public Communication. In: The Public (Javnostʼ). Special issue: „The Liquefaction of Publicness: Communication, Democracy and the Public Sphere in the Internet Age“. 2018. Vol. 25. № 1–2.
The Public Sphere in Russia between Authoritarianism and Liberation. In: The Public (Javnostʼ) / Special issue, guest edited by G. Yudin, T. Weiser. 2020. Vol. 27.
Speaking Without Listening: Imitating Dissensus in the Agonistic Public Debates in Russian Political Talk-Shows in the 2010s. In: The Public. 2020. Vol. 27 (1).
Recent publications of Dr. Annelie Bachmaier
More publications of Annelie Bachmaier can be found on this page. |