EMiL - Development of aptitude and qualification modules for master's degree programs in the context of individualized teaching and learning scenarios
Project Manager
Mr. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Thorsten Claus
Project Staff
Mr. Dr. rer. pol. Christoph Brodhun
Financing Institution
Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art
Project Timeframe
01.03.2008 - 30.12.2008
Cooperation Partner
University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (Germany)
Brief Description
The project pursues the strategic expansion of eLearning offerings at IHI Zittau and at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences through content development in the area of integrated learning and testing environments. The EMiL project is developing components that are of great importance for the expansion and use of eLearning offerings in Saxony. The component test modules conceives and tests module tests, for the preparation of the students for the module choice as well as for the self reflection of the knowledge conditions for the module preparation. The second component to be developed, so-called learning modules, will be closely linked to the test modules. These e-learning tools offer the possibility of closing gaps in knowledge that have been discovered and help to better grasp the complexity of the module from the outset, both in the context of a preparatory and a parallel and supportive application to classroom lectures. Even during a course of study that has already begun, the increasing modularity of degree programs means that students are repeatedly faced with decision-making situations that require a wealth of information. This situation is taken into account by the development of network-supported module tests for the early examination of module-specific requirements and their comparison with the respective individual level of knowledge and performance. The core objective of the project is therefore to improve the quality of teaching by creating homogeneous knowledge structures of the learners by means of computer-supported integrated learning and test modules. An essential project goal, especially against the background of a Saxony-wide benefit strategy, is the development of an opal-integrated solution model. The use of the teaching and learning platform OPAL promotes a Saxony-wide reproducibility of corresponding offers in the context of known teaching/learning scenarios.