SPAts - Development of a competence-oriented online self-/peer-assessment for self-directed and cooperative exam preparation in the field of thermodynamics and supply chain management
Project Manager
Mr. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Thorsten Claus
Project Staff
Mr. Dipl.-Kfm., M.A. Torsten Lorenz
Mr. Dipl.-Ing.(FH), M.A. Ronny Freudenreich
Mr. Dipl.-Inf. Niels Seidel
Financing Institution
SAB Sächsische AufbauBank
Project Timeframe
01.04.2014 - 31.03.2015
Cooperation Partner
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Breitkopf, TU Dresden - Chair of Technical Thermodynamics (Germany)
Media Center (MC), TU Dresden (Germany)
Brief Description
The aim of the SPAts project is to develop a competence-oriented e-assessment as a self-assessment in OPAL for the subjects of technical thermodynamics and supply chain management (SCM) as well as the subject-related e-tutor training there as a tool for in-depth acquisition of the corresponding teaching content. Students of different courses of study and Saxon universities will be given the opportunity for self-directed and cooperative exam preparation within the framework of the teaching/learning scenario.