ZUVEL - Reliable and Comparable Performance Assessment with E-Assessments
Project Manager
Mr. Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Thorsten Claus
Project Staff
Mr. Dipl.-Kfm., M.A. Torsten Lorenz
Mr. Dipl.-Ing.(FH), M.A. Ronny Freudenreich
Financing Institution
Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art
Project Timeframe
01.07.2013 - 30.04.2014
Cooperation Partner
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kawalek, University of Applied Sciences Zittau/ Görlitz - Chair of Communication Psychology, Social Psychology and Multimedia Psychology (Germany)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Friedrich, TU Dresden - Faculty of Computer Science - Working Group Didactics of Computer Science/ Teacher Education (AG DIL) (Germany)
BPS Education Portal Saxony, (GmbH) (Germany)
Brief Description
The main goal of the ZUVEL project is the integration of test methodological standards for good quality performance determination in the already existing workflows and in the OPAL and ONYX tools for online self-assessments and e-exams established in Saxony. For example, the classification of test questions by metadata should enable efficient cataloging and thus the exchange and sustainable use of content once it has been created. Furthermore, the determination of item characteristics and test quality criteria should lead to being able to determine the quality of assessments. The author should receive the best possible support in the creation and selection of items through the provision of predefined metadata sets and configurations as well as through the automatic determination of selected, statistical characteristic values. Unlike previous costly and time-consuming analyses using external (statistical) programs, the planned analysis function is freely available to all question and test authors in a simple way. Furthermore, possibilities are being investigated as to how test scenarios can be automatically created and evaluated on the basis of target criteria to be achieved, such as learning objective and degree of difficulty. Existing test questions will be catalogued in the project and used in various courses, as well as for applicants for orientation to a course of study. Based on the results, the quality will be evaluated step by step with regard to reliable and comparable performance determination. In addition to the goal of deepening knowledge, the use of e-assessment enables feedback on the current level of performance in comparison to the set learning objectives and within a test or learning group. The added value compared to classic test and exercise scenarios is primarily seen in the automatic evaluation and the automatic feedback process that this makes possible. The ZUVEL project offers a connection to previous and ongoing projects of the applying project partners (e.g. E3A, EMiL, SiNaeL, ETC, UnIbELT, KoSEL). On the one hand, the preliminary work done there is the basis for the goals aimed at in the present project. On the other hand, the ZUVEL project results in connecting points and testing possibilities which extend the application scenarios developed and actively used in the predecessor projects. Regular project meetings and peer reviews ensure the quality of the project's analyses and concepts.