Diploma and bachelor and master theses, research internships
Are you looking for an interesting topic for an scientific, Bachelor-, Master- or diploma thesis? On the bottom you will find a recent overview of available topics.
We offer a wide range of topics in fields optics and ultrasound, simulation and experiments, control technology, signal processing, with applications in biophotonics, in-process-metrology and flow metrology.
If you are interested, you will find more information and contacts in the linked advertisements.
In addition to the students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, students of mechanical engineering or physics also have the opportunity to complete their study or diploma thesis with us. Various faculty professors have made themselves available as first examiners. In addition, students of the university of applied sciences can complete their thesis at the chair of measurement and sensor systems.
Titel | Schwerpunkte und Anwendungen |
for |
Ultraschallbildgebung, |
Evaluierung von Geschwindigkeitsschätzern | Ultraschallbildgebung, Python Strömungsmessung, Signalverarbeitung, | ET/MT/MB |
Sound field characterization of a low frequency ultrasound array in foam | Python, Signal Processing, Experimental Setup, Froth | ET/MT/RES/IST/... |
Implementation and evaluation of an ultrasound array with waveguides in foam | Python, Waveguide, Signal Processing, Beam Forming, Froth |
Medical imaging in phantoms with adaptive ultrasound and super-resolution | Ultrasound imaging, Python, signal processing, simulation, medical phantom, deep learning | ET/MT/IST/INF/... |
Titel | Schwerpunkte und Anwendungen | für |
3D-Mikroskopie für die Untersuchung von Reinigungsprozessen | 3D-Mikroskopie, Reinigung, Python, Bildverarbeitung, Strömungsmechanik | ET/MT/IST |
Adaptive 3D-Mikroskopie in entstehenden Wasserstoffblasen | 3D-Mikroskopie, Wasserstoff, Python, Bildverarbeitung, Strömungsmechanik | ET/MT/IST |
Industrieprojekt: Dämpfungsmessung in speziellen Glasfasern mit programmierbaren Optiken | Multimodefaser, Programmierbare Optik, Dämpfungsmessung, Messungenauigkeit | ET/MT/RES/ IST/Physik |
Neural-network-based decoding of speckle patterns for 3D endomicroscopy | Endoscopy, neural networks, computational optics | ET/MT/RES/ IST/Physik |
Bildverarbeitung mit Deep Learning für optische Schalldruckmessung | Highspeed-Kamera, Experiment, Interferometrie, Tomografie, MATLAB, Python | ET/MT/IST/IT/RES/MB/Physik |
Impulsive stimulated Brillouin Microscopy | Simulation Signalgenerierung, Photon-Phonon-Interaktion, Biomedizin |
ET/MT/IST/Physik |
3D-Single-Shot-Mikroskopie an Herzmuskelzellen |
3D-Mikroskopie, Punktspreizfunktion, Bildverarbeitung, Biophotonik |
Quantum Imaging | Quanatum Imaging | Physics | |
Deep tissue imaging of micro robots with a second harmonic guide star | Second harmonic generation, Guide star, Digital optical phase conjugation, Holography, Deep tissue imaging, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning | ET/MT/IST | |
Fast generation of binary holograms with deep learning | Artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer-generated holograms, MATLAB, Python/TensorFlow | INF/ET/MT/IST | |
Adaptive endoscopes: fast axial scanning employing an adaptive lens |
Fibre bundle, adaptive lenses, |
ET/MT/IST/Biomedizintechnik/Physik/MB | |
Adaptive 3D Mikroskopie in kleinskaligen Strömungen |
Blasen, adaptiv optisches Mikroskop |
ET / MT / IST | |
Korrektur der Bewegungsunschärfe bei partikelbasierten Messtechniken |
Bildverarbeitung, Mikroskopie, Strömungsmesstechnik | Studienarbeit ET / MT / IST |
Titel | Schwerpunkte und Anwendungen | für |
Two-Photon-Microscopy for Deep-Tissue Imaging | microscopy, short-pulsed laser, lab work, adaptive optics, biomedical samples | ET/IST/MB |
Light-based heart contraction control in vitro | Regelungstechnik, Systemtechnik, Bildverarbeitung, Optik, Optogenetik, Biomedizin | ET/MT/IST |
Virtual staining based on fiber endoscopy | Deep learning, virtual staining, medical image processing, python | ET/MT/IST/Physik/Biomedizintechnik |
AI-assisted endoscopic tissue differentiation in neurosurgery | endoscopy, cancer diagnostics, neural networks, lab work | ET/MT/IST |
Optical System for Two-Photon Excitation with Temporal Focusing |
Optik, Ultrakurzpulslaser, Zweiphotonenanregung, Temporal Focusing |
Physik,ET, MT, IST, MW |
Femtosecond laser ablation for microendoscopy |
Endoscopy, Phase mask, Laser ablation, Material processing, Control technology, Holography |
ET/MT/MB/Physik |
Smart Microscopy in biomedical applications | Mikroskopie, adaptive Linsen, Aberrationskorrektur, Machine Learning, Experimente | ET/MT/IST/Biomedizintechnik/Physik |
Holographische Photostimulation von Nervenzellen in 3D-Zellnetzwerken |
Optogenetik, Wellenfrontformung, Biophysik, Zellnetzwerkuntersuchung, Aberrationskorrektur |
Physik |
Fühlen mit Licht: Untersuchungen zur Parallelisierung der Mehrrichtungsanregung |
Simulation Signalgenerierung, Photon-Phonon-Interaktion, Biomedizin |
ET/MT/IST/Physik |
Impulsive stimulated Brillouin Microscopy |
Simulation Signalgenerierung, Photon-Phonon-Interaktion, Biomedizin |
ET/MT/IST/Physik |
3D-Single-Shot-Mikroskopie an Herzmuskelzellen |
3D-Mikroskopie, Punktspreizfunktion, Bildverarbeitung, Biophotonik |
Unsupervised diagnosis using masked autoencoder | Deep learning, masked autoencoder, image classification, python | ET/MT/IST/Physik/Biomedizintechnik |
Titel | Schwerpunkte und Anwendungen | for |
Photonic Reservoir Computing using Multimode Optical Fibers | fiber communication, optical computing, beam forming, light field measurement, signal processing, MATLAB, Python | ET/Physics/MT/ IST/NES/Informatics |
Simulation Platform of Optical Fiber-based Quantum Communication Systems | quantum communication, QKD, optical fiber, simulation platform, Matlab, Simulink | ET/MT |
Investigation of Polarization Scrambling Characteristics of Multimode Fibers | fiber communication, beamforming, polarization measurement, digital holography, signal processing, MATLAB | ET/MT/RES/IST/... |
High-Capacity Multiplexing in Multimode Optical Fibers | fiber communication, beamforming, light field measurement, digital holography, signal processing, MATLAB | ET/MT |
Advanced Beamshaping mittels physikgestützter KI | Künstliche Intelligenz, Maschinelles Lernen, Strahlformung, Faserkommunikation, MATLAB, Python/TensorFlow | ET/MT/RES/IST/... |