Doctorate Studies
We are happy that you plan to do your doctorate at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. On this web page, you will find all important information for this endeavour.
The meetings of the Doctoral Board take place on the first Monday of each month. The next meeting is on 03.03.2025. Please submit your complete documents to the Doctoral Examinations Office by 25.02.2025.
There will be no office hours on 04.02.2025.
The office hours of the Doctoral Examinations Office are:
Tuesday 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm
Thursday 9am-12pm, and by prior arrangement.
Applications can be submitted in person during office hours (see contact information) and by prior appointment.
Please send your requests to this e-mail:
Admission to Doctoral Studies
The requirements of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering for doctorate degree candidates are stated in the §6 of the doctorate regulations. The minimum requirement for admission is a good to very good university degree (usually a master’s degree including a research oriented master’s thesis) which is equivalent to a German academic degree that qualifies to start a doctorate. You also need a supervisor (professor at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering ) who agrees to take the responsibility for the academic supervision of your doctorate.
For all formal actions involved with doctorate procedures (e.g., application for acceptance), please use the online system Promovendus. You can access Promovendus at any time.
You will also need a valid ZIH user account to log in to Promovendus. Enrolled students as well as employees of TU Dresden automatically receive a ZIH login. If you do not have a ZIH login yet, you can file an application for a guest login, which your supervisor has to sign. Please contact the Service Desk in case of any questions or problems with the ZIH user account.
The application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate can be filed with the Faculty’s doctoral board according to §8 of the doctorate regulations. The doctoral board will verify whether all admission requirements are met. With acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you express the intention to complete your doctorate at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering within 6 years.
If you should wish to carry out the doctoral studies according to §3 (3) of the doctorate regulations, the confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate includes the request to enrol to the doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering (cf. enrolment). Enrolment to the doctoral studies allows you to replace the Rigorosum by an oral examination according to §7 of the academic study regulations for the doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering.
Promovendus will generate an application document for you, which you will have to hand in to the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering through

PhD Office
NameUta Strempel (sie/she)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, Room 152 Helmholtzstr. 18
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
- 13:00 - 15:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
as well as on appointment.
Please note that, together with the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you will need to hand in and upload in Promovendus the following documents:
- the prospective topic
- certified copies1 and, if applicable, translations in German or English of the graduation certificates and of the overview of subjects and grades of the study degree relevant for admission (for degrees awarded by TU Dresden: free of charge copies can be acquired at TU Dresden’s certifying office),
- certified copies1 and, if applicable, translations in German or English of all other study graduation certificates (for degrees awarded by TU Dresden: free of charge copies can be acquired at TU Dresden’s certifying office),
- simple copy of the university entrance qualification certificate (e.g., A-levels),
- original of the supervision agreement with the responsible professor/young investigator at the Faculty (the form is available at the Graduate Academy),
- confirmation of removal from the register of students (ex-matriculation) in case of previous enrolment at a German university,
- curriculum vitae (C.V.) including scientific career, publications and signature, and
- confirmation (receipt) of application for a clearance certificate2.
Certified copies and verification of equivalence of foreign university degrees
For the acceptance as a doctoral candidate, you need to hand in certified copies and, if applicable, certified translations of your graduation certificates and subject and grades overview. You can find further information on certified copies of certificates not issued by TU Dresden on the website of the office of certified documentation of TU Dresden.
If you completed one of your studies outside Germany, your documents are sent to the International Office of the TU Dresden to verify the equivalence of your degree. You can use the online database for a preliminary check of the equivalence of your degree. -
Clearance Certificate
For application of acceptance as a doctoral candidate as well as the opening of the doctorate procedures, you will need a confirmation (receipt) of application for a clearance certificate (‘Führungszeugnis’) to be sent to the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering in compliance with §30 (5) BZRG. The clearance certificate is valid for about 3 months and can be requested on the day the application for acceptance as a doctorate candidate or opening of the doctorate proceedings is submitted. When requesting this certificate (e.g., at the records department, Theaterstr. 11, 01067 Dresden), the following recipient should be given:
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
01062 Dresden
An applicant can only be enrolled as a doctoral student at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering if he/she has been accepted as a doctoral student by the doctoral committee in the faculty's list of doctoral students. Further information can be found on the website of the Admissions Office.
The standard period of study for doctoral students is eight semesters; enrolment should therefore take place shortly after acceptance as a doctoral student. A confirmation of enrollment for six semesters must be submitted to the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
If you have not already done so, TU Dresden strongly recommends that you enrol as a doctoral student with the aim of obtaining a doctoral degree/PhD in addition to your admission applied for in Promovendus. To enrol, you can use the online portal via the Application page. The required documents must be submitted to the Admissions Office or the International Office.
This allows you to benefit from a wide range of advantages with minimal enrollment effort:
- Periods of study (including doctoral studies) count towards your pension, where proof is provided via the certificate of enrollment.
Pension insurance
- You can travel throughout Germany with the affordable Deutschlandticket (EUR 29.40 instead of EUR 49.00/month). This also allows you to significantly reduce your costs for participation in scientific conferences, exchange meetings or research stays outside the university campus.
Germany ticket
- The use of MOBIbike is discounted in several ways (more on NextBike).
- By using the services of the Studentenwerk, you benefit from attractive meal prices in canteens and cafeterias, social and cultural activities, advisory services and childcare facilities as well as reduced admission to student clubs. The social counseling service is also available to you.
Student Union
- You will also receive reduced admission fees and discounts at many cultural facilities (theaters, concerts, cinemas, museums, exhibitions, operas, etc.) that offer discounts for students, as well as cheaper subscriptions to newspapers and specific software.
- You will also have the opportunity to take advantage of the wide range of sporting activities offered by the Dresden University Sports Center.
Dresden University Sports Center
- Only properly enrolled (doctoral) students (and doctoral university employees with an employment contract at TU Dresden) are fully insured by the University against accidents in connection with their work at TU Dresden. In order to enjoy the same insurance cover as students or employees, it is therefore essential that you enrol as a doctoral student.
- You are also welcome to benefit from the services offered by Student Health Management.
Before each new semester, you will be re-registered in accordance with §11 of the TU Dresden enrollment regulations (legal basis ) by transferring the semester fee.
The current fee for the summer semester 2024 is € 286.50 incl. € 176.40 Deutschlandticket + € 5.00 MOBIbike use.
The enrollment regulations of TU Dresden can be found here. To apply for enrollment for doctoral studies, please use the following website of the Admissions Office.
If you have any further questions, the staff of the Admissions Office and the Graduate Academy will be happy to help you at any time
Additional services
Admission to the list of doctoral candidates may be subject to the completion of additional examinations. These are determined by the doctoral committee and communicated to the doctoral student with the letter of admission for acceptance as a doctoral student. In this case, the doctoral student must complete these additional requirements within 2 years of acceptance as a doctoral student (§ 7 of the doctoral regulations).
Doctorate proceedings
The application for opening of the doctorate proceedings must be submitted through Promovendus, which will generate an application document that you must hand in at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering through

PhD Office
NameUta Strempel (sie/she)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, Room 152 Helmholtzstr. 18
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
- 13:00 - 15:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
as well as on appointment.
Please note that, together with the application for the opening of the doctorate proceedings, you will need to hand in the following documents (§9 of the doctorate regulations) in Promovendus as well as on paper:
Abbreviations in the title of your PhD-Thesis and company logos are not permitted.
Spiral binding will not be accepted.
- 4 hard-cover copies A4 including C.V., table of contents, statement of authorship, list of abbreviations, and index of formulas bound and one electronic version (CD, stick,... ) of the dissertation
- 1 printed copy of the numerated hypotheses signed by the responsible supervisor (name, first name)
- 30 printed copies of the numerated hypotheses (computer typed, one A4 paper)
- 1 PDF file of the hypotheses to: PhD Office as well as upload in Promovendus
- English and German short version (abstract)
- Application to perform (parts of) the doctorate proceedings in English language, if applicablen (template can be found in Promovendus)
- Curriculum vitae (C.V.) including scientific career and signature (please upload also in Promovendus)
- List of scientific publications, in addition a summarized list of publications and prizes, stipends (please upload also in Promovendus)
- Original confirmation of acceptance as doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and certified certificate stating the fulfillment of additional requirements
- Confirmation (receipt) of application for a clearance certificate (Führungszeugnis) to be sent to the Faculty, which is not older than 3 months, in compliance with Section 30 Paragraph 5 “Bundeszentralregistergesetz” (Federal Central Register Law) (please upload also in Promovendus) using the following address: Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Dekanat, Promotionsamt, 01062 Dresden
After acceptance of the doctoral thesis (dissertation), the doctoral candidate needs to prove deep knowledge in the scientific field of the dissertation during a non-public, scientific oral examination (Rigorosum). Directly after the Rigorosum, the public defense will take place. By enrolling to the doctoral studies, the Rigorosum can be replaced by an oral examination according to §7 of the academic study regulations for the doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering. If such oral examination shall replace the Rigorosum or if the Rigorosum shall be carried out directly before the defense has to be decided when applying for the opening of the doctorate proceedings at the latest.
After having successfully completed the doctorate proceedings, the doctoral candidate is obliged to make the dissertation available for the general scientific public. Therefore, the dissertation that has to be published within one year after the date of the final oral exam (in general, the defense). The publishing is completed by the free submission of 15 printed copies of the thesis (A5), to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the TU Dresden.
If the doctoral committee has imposed additional conditions to the dissertation, the a revised version of the dissertation must be reviewed and acknowledged by the responsible professor. The corresponding confirmation must be submitted to the doctoral office.
The Saxon State Library (Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden; SLUB) requires:
- five bound copies (not paper-back) of the edition accepted by the doctoral committee (must be handed over to SLUB office free of charge), as well as
- one electronic version in PDF/A format (verified error-free through Preflight) submitted via Qucosa
Please pay attention to SLUB's general guidlines for dissertations as well as the guidelines for submission.
Abbreviations in the dissertation's title an company logos are not admissible. Spiral (ring) bindings will not be accepted!
Completed doctorates and alumni network
You can register for the alumni network for former junior researchers in Promovendus. If you do not have a ZIH login, you can also use the alumni sheet. Registration is voluntary.
We would also like to draw your attention to the general alumni network of TU Dresden.

PhD Office
NameUta Strempel (sie/she)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Barkhausen-Bau, Room 152 Helmholtzstr. 18
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
- 13:00 - 15:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 12:00
as well as on appointment.