Recommendations for a proper selection of modules
In the following you find a couple of tips to the modules we offer:
- In addition to the compulsory modules we strongly recommend to attend at least also the elective module "Control Basics".
- In the module "Control Advanced" more courses are offered than required for obtaining the credit points. You have to visit at least two courses out of these modules and complete each with a successful examination. Of course you can visit additional courses from these modules. In this case you obtain a certificate from the institute with proven grade if you successfully passed the corresponding exams.
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Compulsory Modules in the 5th and 6th term
Module MT-12 13 01 "Control Theory and Discrete Event Systems"
- Basics of control of linear systems (basic structure of control systems, description of signals and systems, stability analysis, controller design in the frequency domain).
- Basics of description of discrete event systems (signal based, finite automatons, Petri-nets), design of descrite event control systems (Bottom-up, Top-down with automatons and Petri-nets)
- Examples on the basis of laboratories
Please note: All courses are held in German!
- Vorlesung Regelungstechnik 1 (Wintersemester)
- Vorlesung Ereignisdiskrete Systeme (Wintersemester)
- Praktikum Regelung und Steuerung (Sommersemester)
Elective Modules in the 8th term
Module MT-M04-G "Control Basics"
The module is focused on the following two topics:
- State space methods and discrete time systems: Systems in state-space and frequency domain description, concepts of controllability and observability, design of state space controllers and state observers, basics of discrete time systems.
- Analysis of and controller design for nonlinear systems: For the solution of many problems linear models and control design methods assuming that the system is in the near of an operating point, are insufficient. This includes, for example, the start-up of chemical reactors, operating point changes or re-positioning problems. Modern and specially tuned nonlinear methods are required for the solution of such problems. The foundations for these topics are laid in this module.
Please note: All courses are held in German!
- Vorlesung Regelungstechnik 2 (summer semester)
- Vorlesung Nichtlineare Regelungstechnik 1 (summer semester)
Elective Modules in the 8th and 9th term
Module MT-M04-V "Control Advanced"
For the solution of many problems linear models and control design methods assuming that the system is in the near of an operating point are insufficient. This includes, for example, the start-up of chemical reactors, operating point changes or re-positioning problems. Modern and specially designed nonlinear methods are required for the solution of such problems. The courses in this module provide advanced in-depth practical and theoretical methods. Furthermore, modeling and control of systems is addressed the parameters of which depend on their spatial position, for example, in heat conduction or wave propagation phenomena.
Model-based design methods require the knowledge of process models which are as exact as necessary and as simple as possible. Such models cannot be derived or parameterized via a purely theoretical modeling in all cases. The course in the module covers various methods for experimental determination of such models.
If several variables in a control system have to be controlled at the same time, it often happens that the control loops affect each other in an unfavorable manner. The consideration of such couplings in controller design is a subject of the module.
Often the models used for controller design are structurally inaccurate or lack of parameters the values of which are roughly known only. The module deals with the design of feedback controllers that guarantee a high control performance (or at least stability) despite of these inaccuracies.
In many applications (for example, hybrid drive technology), it is important to find control trajectories that minimize certain characteristics (for example, costs, consumption). How this is realized, is taught in this module.
Please note: All courses are held in German!
- Vorlesung Prozessidentifikation (Sommersemester)
- Steuerung und Regelung flacher und verteiltparametrischer Systeme (Sommersemester)
- Optimale Steuerung (Sommersemester)
- Robuste Regelung (Regelung mit Unbestimmtheiten) (Sommersemester)
- Nichtlineare Regelungstechnik 2 (Wintersemester)
- Regelung von Mehrgrößensystemen (Wintersemester)