MemrisTec Summer School 2023
MemrisTec Summer School covering the topics of the research programme Memristive Devices Smart Technical Systems and will bring together interested students and researchers in the European capital of micro- and nanoelectronics. Memristors are nanoelectric devices capable of storage and computation. Their specific properties make it possible to integrate significantly more memory than before in a very small space and to create novel, biologically inspired networks for information processing.
Interdisciplinary Summer School T*ECO*LOGIES
17.08. - 18.08.2023
Young and experienced technology researchers, engineers and people interested in technology and social issues from technical, social science and humanities disciplines are cordially invited to consider and discuss answers to these questions together over two days for the Interdisciplinary Summer School of T*ECO*LOGIES.
Dresden International Summer School on Haptics and Cognitive Robotics (HAPCOR)
For the 5-day Summerschool on Haptics and Cognitive Robotics (HAPCOR) interested people from research, application and education from all over the world are welcome to Dresden. The offer is especially addressed to master students, experts, PhD students, scientists and experienced practitioners in the field of haptics and cognitive robotics. The event is hosted and organized by the Chair of Acoustics and Haptics.
SecAI CeTI Summer School
The international SecAI CETI Summer School is aimed at young postgraduate researchers, mainly early stage PhD students, but also advanced Master's students and older PhD and postdoctoral students who wish to deepen their knowledge. The summer school will be open to about 60 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates. SecAI also provides travel grants to international students to cover part of their travel expenses.
cfaed Summer School: Dresden Mircoelectronics Academy (DMA)
18.9. - 22.9.23
This one-week summer school showcases Dresden as Europe's largest microelectronics hub and TU Dresden as the ideal place to study and work! The DMA Summer School is aimed at advanced students (Master/Diplom students) / PhD students / Postdocs of engineering with affinity to micro-/nanoelectronics, e.g., design, technology and test.