Summer School CentraleSupélec - Université Paris Saclay
on AI as well as Industry 4.0
University of Agder, Kristiansand - European Integration Summer School
Table of contents
Information for students of the TU Dresden
For students of the TU Dresden there are several possibilities to study or do a practical training abroad.
The International Office of the TU Dresden provides lots of information about the exchange programs, i.e.
- ERASMUS in Europe
- TUD worldwide
- internships
- individual stays,
as well as about financing, application, information events and others.
Furthermore, the International Office offers chat office hours for all your questions about studying abroad.
Faculty related information
The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering has numerous partnerschips and cooperations with international universities and institutions.
The faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering has numerous ERASMUS cooperations with universities in Europe. You will not have to pay study fees at the guest university, but you will receive a grant. Information and support concerning application is provided by the faculty. Furthermore, the faculty will assign the ERASMUS places amongst the applicants.
The faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering built up double degree programmes with the Ecoles Centrales in France (Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Paris) as well as the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev. Students of the faculty can study at these universities and receive a degree by these.
Information on the programme with the Ecoles Centrales you can find here (in German).
If you are interested in the programme with the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev Polytechnic Institute (NTUU KPI), please refer to the Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology (IAVT).
In addition the LEONARDO-BÜRO-SACHSEN as well as the university groups AIESEC or IAESTE, also professors of the faculty have contacts to companies abroad.
Please refer to your professors!
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
If you are interested in an exchange, please refer to Prof. Fitzek.
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
If you are interested in an exchange, please refer to Prof. Plettemeier.
Recognition of study achievements abroad
Information on the recognition of academic achievements during the stay abroad -
for one or two semesters; mainly during the main studies - can be found here
(in German only).
Helpful links
International office of the TU Dresden
Experience reports
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
DAAD - information on different countries (in German only)
Regional ambassadors
Cultural office of the TU Dresden - language tandems
Information for guest students - Incomings
The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering welcomes the spirit and new ideas from international exchange students! Here you can find information about the application process, our programmes, the courses and others.
Information for all employees of the TU Dresden
ERASMUS+ supports teaching stays and training activities such as language courses, seminars or workshops (staff weeks). Please read on the International Office's websites.