Development of a method for the prospective ergonomic design of the physical reconfiguration of modular plants

Doctoral researcher
NameDipl.-Ing. Jonas Miesner
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Research Training Group 2323
Research Training Group 2323
Visiting address:
Institutsgebäude S7A
Raum / Room 205
Georg-Schumann-Str. 7a
01187 Dresden
Supervisor: Prof. Martin Schmauder |
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Hagen Malberg |
The physical configuration and reconfiguration of modular process plants (hereinafter also referred to as modular plants) on a small to medium scale is a central element of the modular concept (VDI 2776-1) and enables flexible adaptation of the system involving the human being. Accordingly, legal obligations of occupational health and safety must be taken into account. The immanent flexibility of this technical context of use determines the necessity to prospectively take into account regulatory ergonomic requirements.
Against this background, this thesis focuses the development of a a rule-based procedure (method) that combines the triad outlined above: (1) the physical configuration and reconfiguration of modular plants, (2) the ergonomic requirements and (3) the prospective, evidence-based, practical applicability. The methodological approach is to be designed in an interdisciplinary context (including process technology, ergonomics, law, philosophy of science and computer science) in such a way that a uniform method can be conceptualised and tested in practice while following the epistemological logic.