Please pick one topic from the proceedings of the PPoPP'19 conference and send me an e-mail.
List of topics that were already chosen and cannot be picked anymore:
- "Leveraging Hardware TM in Haskell", Prateek Bhatnagar
- "Processing transactions in a predefined order", Ria Shrivastava
- "Beyond Human-Level Accuracy: Computational Challenges in Deep Learning", Muhammad Ashfaqur Rahman
- "QTLS: high-performance TLS asynchronous offload framework with Intel® QuickAssist technology", Mohammed Arafat ul Islam
- "Throughput-Oriented GPU Memory Allocation", Ansh Rupani
- "Harmonia: a high throughput B+tree for GPUs", Yateender Khedar
- "Implementing parallel and concurrent tree structures", Dana Kuban
- "LOFT: lock-free transactional data structures", Roman Diachuk
- " Semantics-aware scheduling policies for synchronization determinism" Amayika Tripathy
- "T-thinker: a task-centric distributed framework for compute-intensive divide-and-conquer algorithms" , Florian Lamprecht
- "Corrected trees for reliable group communication", Azizul Hakim Shakil
- "A round-efficient distributed betweenness centrality algorithm", Tarishi Suhalka