Please pick one topic from the proceedings of the PPoPP'20 conference and send me an e-mail.
List of topics that were already chosen and cannot be picked anymore:
- Vama Chouhan, "Kite: efficient and available release consistency for the datacenter" "Usama"
- Martin Meinhold, "A Supernodal All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm"
- Hira Siddiqui, "Scaling concurrent queues by using HTM to profit from failed atomic operations" "Said"
- Mujtaba Idrees, "A wait-free universal construction for large objects" "Usama"
- Vikas Maurya, "Practical parallel hypergraph algorithms"
- Abhinaba Habishyashi, "Scalable top-k retrieval with Sparta"
- Rohan Bose, "Increasing the parallelism of graph coloring via shortcutting"
- Sai Ranga Rao Inuganti, "Detecting and reproducing error-code propagation bugs in MPI implementations" "Said"
- Janki Vaidya, "Fast Concurrent Data Sketches"
- Ahsan Nasir," Procella: unifying serving and analytical data at YouTube"
- Fatima Nasim, "Universal wait-free memory reclamation" "Anna"
- Kai Rädsch, "Using sample-based time series data for automated diagnosis of scalability losses in parallel program"
- Siarhei Bazhko, "Scaling Out Speculative Execution of Finite-State Machines with Parallel Merge" "Said"
Devang Mishra, "No barrier in the road: a comprehensive study and optimization of ARM barriers" "Anna"
Andis Xhaferraj, "Hermes: A Fast, Fault-Tolerant and Linearizable Replication Protocol "