Jul 03, 2023
IP searches for research projects at the TU Dresden
The Patent Information Centre (PIZ) Dresden supports all researchers at TU Dresden in the preparation and implementation of research projects in the form of globally determined prior art.
For this purpose, the PIZ offers detailed IP searches. These can be carried out by the participants themselves under guidance or completely taken over by the PIZ. With the letter from Prof. Ronald Tetzlaff, Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalisation, we would like to draw your attention to the central TU fund "Industrial Property Right Searches for Research Projects" (Circular letter D 5/4/2003), which is available to support these searches.
The funds are available for the following services:
- IP searches in preparation of research projects (at the stage of project planning or application)
- IP searches during the term of research projects
- permanent monitoring of intellectual property rights in a cycle agreed between the client and the PIZ
- IP searches to support the exploitation of research results
- graphically prepared IP statistics
- Seminars and workshops
The searches can be requested at the Patent Information Centre using the request form. The search strategy is determined in consultation with the PIZ staff. The budget is handled directly by the PIZ and Department 1 (Budget).
Further information on this funding programme, as well as on all other questions in connection with IP searches, can be obtained from the PIZ (Tel. 35540).
Please contact us in good time!