PIZ-Logo © Universitätsmarketing ASB_Briefkasten © Grit Hildebrandt, TUD

Patent Information Center

The Patent Information Center (PIZ) Dresden is your competent contact for all questions regarding information and searches in the field of industrial property rights, such as patents, trademarks and designs. The PIZ Dresden® is part of the TUD Center of Excellence for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (TUD|excite) and a recognized cooperation partner of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). As an institution of the university, it offers support for both studies and research projects by enabling students to compare their own state of knowledge with the current global state of the art. Furthermore, as a public institution, the PIZ is open to all interested parties who need information and support in the field of industrial property rights.
The name "PIZ Dresden" is a word trademark registered at the DPMA since 25.07.2000 with the number DE39980235 (application on 17.12.1999).

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ASB_Briefkasten © Karsten Eckold, TUD
Image of a mailbox © Grit Hildebrandt, TUD


Das Patentinformationszentrum Dresden bietet seine Services derzeit überwiegend digital an.


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