Dr.-Ing. Karl Kalina

Dr.-Ing. Karl Kalina
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Chair of Computational and Experimental Solid Mechanics
Visiting address:
Zeunerbau, Room 356 George-Bähr-Straße 3c
01069 Dresden
- Data-driven simulation techniques
- Usage of neural networks in solid mechanics
- Modeling and simulation of magnetoactive materials
- Nonlinear FEM, homogenisation methods
- Coupled Problems, constitutive modeling, parameter identification
- Charectirization and reconstruction of microstructures
- ResearchGate, GoogleScholar
- Lecture Materialtheorie in summer term
- Lecture Mehrskalige numerische Modellierung in winter term
- Tutorials for basic and advanced courses
Corrigendum: Field-induced interactions in magneto-active elastomers—a comparison of experiments and simulations (2020 Smart Mater. Struct. 29 085026) , 6 Oct 2020, In: Smart materials and structures. Vol. 29. p. 119501Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to specialist publication > Corrections (errata and retractions)
A macroscopic model for magnetorheological elastomers based on microscopic simulations , 1 Jun 2020, In: International journal of solids and structures. 193-194, p. 200-212, 13 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Field-induced interactions in magneto-active elastomers - A comparison of experiments and simulations , 2020, In: Smart Materials and Structures. 29, 8, 9 p., 085026Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Multiscale modeling and simulation of magneto-active elastomers based on experimental data , 2020, In: Physical Sciences Reviews. 2020, p. 20200012, 31 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Development of a Macro-Model for Magnetorheological Elastomers based on Microscopic Simulations , 2019, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM. 19 (2019), 1, p. e201900288, 3 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Conference article
A quantitative comparison of two- and three-dimensional modeling approaches for magnetorheological elastomers , 2018, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM. 18 (2018), 1, p. e201800179, 2 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Conference article
Modeling and Simulation of Hysteresis Effects in Magnetorheological Elastomers , 2018, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM. 18 (2018), 1, p. e201800319, 2 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Conference article
Reversible magnetomechanical collapse: virtual touching and detachment of rigid inclusions in a soft elastic matrix , 2018, In: Soft MatterElectronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Two- and three-dimensional modeling approaches in magneto-mechanics: A quantitative comparison , 2018, In: Archive of Applied Mechanics. 89 (2018), p. 47-62, 16 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Microscale Modeling and Simulation of Magnetorheological Elastomers , 2017, In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM. 17 (2017), 1, p. 27-30, 3 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Conference article
- DAAD research scholarship for young scientists with doctorates (04/23 – 09/23)
TU Dresden Postdoc starter kit (01/23 – 09/24)
Dr.-Klaus-Körper Awardee in appreciation for an excellent dissertation in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2022
Activity as a reviewer for scientific project proposals
Activity as a reviewer for scientific journals
- Cement and Concrete Composites
- Computational Mechanics
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Data-Centric Engineering
- European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids
- Examples and Counterexamples
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- Mechanics of Materials
- Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
- Technische Mechanik