Jul 11, 2024
ILK supports talented young scientist with sustainable energy solution
The ILK recently had the honor of welcoming the young and promising scientist Anne Marie Bobes. The winner of the prestigious "Jugend forscht" competition in the field of physics and finalist at the International Science and Engineering Fair 2024 (ISEF) has not only decided to study mechanical engineering at TU Dresden, but also brings a groundbreaking invention with her: a helical rotor for environmentally friendly, decentralized power generation for streetlights.
The turbine, which the young researcher developed over a period of four years, is specially designed for the use of wind energy in urban areas. The helix rotors can be mounted on street lamps and are designed to supply them with sustainable energy independently of the power grid. The technology offers an efficient alternative to solar cells, which in many cases are not sufficient to ensure constant lighting. The planned field test phase will see the helix rotors mounted on lampposts over a period of twelve months under real-life conditions. This will investigate whether they are reliable enough to cover the electricity requirements of the streetlights under different weather conditions.
The young inventor visited the ILK to ensure that the turbines can withstand the conditions in an urban environment. She was welcomed on site by Board Member Prof. Dr. Niels Modler and ILK scientists Dr. Michael Müller-Pabel, Dr. Juliane Troschitz and Dipl.-Ing. Richard Grothe. Together, they discussed suitable production technologies and materials to further optimize the robustness and efficiency of the rotors. In addition, extensive simulations will be carried out at the ILK in future in collaboration with Ms. Bobes in order to precisely evaluate the design of the turbine and identify possible improvements.
In addition to the technical discussions, the young researcher and her teacher Michael Müller took the opportunity to get to know the city of Dresden and the ILK better. Both were impressed by the modern facilities and the open atmosphere at TU Dresden.
The collaboration between the young scientist and the ILK marks the beginning of a promising development in sustainable energy production. In addition, the ILK is proud to support young talents and provide them with the necessary resources to realize their forward-looking ideas. The young researcher lays the foundations for her future career by taking up a degree in mechanical engineering at TU Dresden. The ILK will support her on this path not only with technical expertise, but also with active support. This partnership shows how young talent can successfully put scientific innovations into practice.