May 06, 2024
Visitors from Malaysia at INT

Studierendengruppe aus Malaysia mit Professorin Nur Hanani Zainal Abdin (mittlere Reihe, 2.v.l.) Mitarbeitern vom Fraunhofer IVV (hintere Reihe links) und den beiden Organisatoren vom INT Holger Schubert und Phillip Rosenbusch (hinten rechts).
On 29.04.24, the Institute of Natural Materials Technology (INT) received a visit from Malaysia. Prof. Nur Hanani Zainal Abedin and 16 almost exclusively female students, PhD students and postdocs from the Faculty of Food Science and Technology at the University of Putra were our guests. As part of a DAAD study trip through Germany and Austria, the group made a stop at INT at TU Dresden.
At the beginning, the Institute of Natural Materials Technology was introduced by the associated professorships and current research highlights were presented. Information was also provided about the wide range of study opportunities and exchange programs at TU Dresden. Afterward there was a lab tour of the Institute on Bergstraße. This provided an opportunity to discuss current research projects and potential collaborations.
After a refreshing lunch break, the group led by Prof. Nur Hanani Zainal Abedin headed to the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV in the afternoon. Here, too, valuable contacts were made and specialist knowledge exchanged.
In the late afternoon, the group of visitors then traveled on to Berlin.
We were delighted to welcome Prof. Nur Hanani Zainal Abedin to INT and look forward to further exchanges and possible collaborations.
A big thank you to everyone involved in making our guests' stay possible.