Innovation alliance for a sustainable industrial structural transformation in the Lusatian region using aquatic resources
WE initiate economically feasible, regional and bio-based value chains
The AquaTechLausitz alliance is a growing innovation network from the fields of business, science and civil society supported by the BMBF (WIR! program family - change through innovation in the region) under the direction of the TU Dresden (Institute for Natural Materials Technology - Dr.-Ing. Felix Krujatz).
new perspectives AQUATECHLAUSITZ
Lusatia - Model region for industrial aquaculture systems and bio-based products
The AquaTechLausitz alliance aims at the development and use of aquatic resources for a sustainable industrialization of the structural change in Lusatia. As a new branch of industry in the Lusatian coal region, sustainable aquaculture systems and integrated biorefinery systems based on them open up the possibility of decarbonising industrial processes to provide sustainably produced biobased chemicals, ingredients, food and recyclable materials. The button-up approach of the regional economic and scientific network AquaTechLausitz starts with the synthesis potential of CO2-consuming aquatic micro- and macro-organisms and opens up the (further) development of technological process and product innovations, especially for the chemical, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and plastics industries (biobased products). Microbiology, bioprocess technology, process engineering, mechanical engineering, technical and analytical biochemistry, automation and computer science are important regionally established industries and fields of knowledge that enable innovative solutions through interdisciplinary cooperation.
The currently ongoing concept phase (09/20 - 05/21) is divided into three work packages, which are being developed by TU Dresden (scientific potential analysis, training concepts), MINT Engineering GmbH (market potentials) and Greentec Consult GmbH (development of network management and organizational structures) and will result in a final alliance concept, which will be submitted in May '21 for application of the 6-year implementation phase.
Project funding:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project coordination:

Project researcher
NameFelix Krujatz Dr.-Ing.
Plant biotechnology
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Project staff:

Project researcher
NameDipl.-Ing. Karsten Helbig
enzyme technology, enzyme kinetics
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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameDipl.-Ing. Franziska Hahn
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Cooperation partners:
Greentec Consult GmbH, Nebelschütz
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kretschmer
Dr. rer. nat. Udo Krause
GreenTec Consult - Büro für postfossile Regionalentwicklung
Dipl. Wirt. Inf. Norbert Rost
MINT Engineering GmbH, Dresden
Dipl.-Ing. Gunnar Mühlstädt
Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hilpmann
Project term::