Student excursions
Excursions lasting several days will take you to the factories of German textile machinery manufacturers, to production plants in the textile, clothing and user industries and to the textile and clothing machinery trade fairs Techtextil/Texprocess, JEC and ITMA.
Visit trade fairs with us in Frankfurt/Main, Hanover, Cologne, Milan, Paris, Birmingham or Barcelona and network in the textile world.

Excursion to the ITMA 2019 in Barcelona
Thanks to generous support from sponsors (e.g. Walter Reiners-Stiftung des VDMA, Fachverband Textilmaschinen; VDMA, Fachverband Textile Care, Fabric and Leather Technologies des VDMA/formerly Fachverband Bekleidungs- und Ledertechnik; DAAD; Freundes- und Förderkreis des ITM der TU Dresden e.V.), the students' own financial contribution can be kept as low as possible.