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STM studies of ABP molecules - towards molecular latching for dangling-bond wire circuits
Art der Abschlussarbeit
- Nickel, Anja
- Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti
The aim of this thesis is the investigation of switching properties of single organic molecules, which can be used as molecular latches on a passivated silicon surface. Suitable molecules should be composed of an anchor group that can bind covalently to the silicon surface as well as an aromatic ring for the latching effect. For the imaging as well as the manipulation of single molecules on conductive substrates, a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope, LT-STM, is a versatile and powerful tool. On the one hand, STM provides topographical and spectroscopic characterization of single molecules on conductive surfaces at the atomic level. On the other hand, under the tip of a STM single molecules and nanostructures can be moved with atomic precision or can be addressed by voltage pulses.
scanning tunneling microscopy, STM, scanning tunneling spectroscopy, atomic circuits, molecular manipulation, molecular switching