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Optimization of combine processes using expert knowledge and methods of artificial intelligence
Art der Abschlussarbeit
- Eggerl, Anja
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Herlitzius
Combine harvesters are used to gather plants from the field and separate them into the components of value, the grain and the straw. The optimal utilization of existing combine potential is an inevitable task to maximize harvest efficiency and hence to maximize profit. The only way to optimize the threshing and separation processes during harvest is to adjust the combine settings to existing conditions. Operating permanently at optimal harvest efficiency can only be achieved by an automatic control system. However, for reasons of transparency and due to lack of sensors, the approach in this thesis is a combined development of an interactive and an automatic control system for combine process optimization.
The optimization of combine processes is a multi-dimensional and multi-objective optimization problem. The objectives of optimization are the harvest quality parameters. The decision variables, the parameters that can be modified, are the combine settings. Analytical optimization methods require the existence of a model that provides function values in dependence of defined input parameters. A comprehensive quantitative model for the input-output-behavior of the combine does not exist. Alternative optimization methods that handle multi-dimensional and multi-objective optimization problems can be found in the domain of Artificial Intelligence.
In this work, knowledge acquisition was performed in order to obtain expert knowledge on combine process optimization. The result is a knowledge base with six adjustment matrices for different crop and combine types. The adjustment matrices contain problem oriented setting adjustment recommendations in order to solve single issues with quality parameters. A control algorithm has been developed that is also capable of solving multiple issues at the same time, utilizing the acquired expert knowledge. The basic principle to solve the given multi-objective optimization problem is a transformation into one-dimensional single-objective optimization problems which are solved iteratively. Several methods have been developed that are applied sequentially.
In simulation, the average improvement from initial settings to optimized settings, achieved by the control algorithm, is between 34.5 % and 67.6 %. This demonstrates the good performance of the control algorithm.
The optimization of combine processes is a multi-dimensional and multi-objective optimization problem. The objectives of optimization are the harvest quality parameters. The decision variables, the parameters that can be modified, are the combine settings. Analytical optimization methods require the existence of a model that provides function values in dependence of defined input parameters. A comprehensive quantitative model for the input-output-behavior of the combine does not exist. Alternative optimization methods that handle multi-dimensional and multi-objective optimization problems can be found in the domain of Artificial Intelligence.
In this work, knowledge acquisition was performed in order to obtain expert knowledge on combine process optimization. The result is a knowledge base with six adjustment matrices for different crop and combine types. The adjustment matrices contain problem oriented setting adjustment recommendations in order to solve single issues with quality parameters. A control algorithm has been developed that is also capable of solving multiple issues at the same time, utilizing the acquired expert knowledge. The basic principle to solve the given multi-objective optimization problem is a transformation into one-dimensional single-objective optimization problems which are solved iteratively. Several methods have been developed that are applied sequentially.
In simulation, the average improvement from initial settings to optimized settings, achieved by the control algorithm, is between 34.5 % and 67.6 %. This demonstrates the good performance of the control algorithm.
Zugeordnete Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Grundlagen und angewandte Forschung auf dem Gebiet der selbstfahrenden Erntemaschinen, insbesondere Mähdrescher und Feldhäcksler
- Simulation von Arbeitsprozessen in der Landtechnik (Mähprozess, Zerkleinerung)
- Automatisierung
combine processes, artificial intelligence