Projects and programs
TOGETHER across borders
TUD Dresden University of Technology is intensifying its efforts to expand strategic partnerships in the neighboring countries of Poland and the Czech Republic. By expanding regional partnerships and integrating additional stakeholders, the university aims to significantly expand its research and educational capacities.
Below you will find a selection of joint projects and programs sorted according to the TUD's Research Priority Areas.
The projects in the thematic area "Health" focus on improving public health through innovative technologies, preventive measures and international cooperation to tackle challenges such as cancer, diabetes and the digitalization of healthcare.
With a focus on intelligent sensor systems and distributed intelligence, this project aims to analyze health data in real time and promote preventive measures to significantly improve people's quality of life.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2020-2023
- TUD Partner: Prof. Frank Ellinger
- Further partners: Institute Mikroelektronických Aplika Prague
- Further information:
The creation of a network of comprehensive cancer centers is at the heart of this project. The aim is to significantly improve cancer treatment and research in Europe through close cooperation and the establishment of national cancer competence centers.
- Funding body: EU project
- Duration: 2022-2024
- TUD Partner: Dr. rer. pol. Hannes Schlieter
- Further partners: Fakultní nemocnice v Motole (University Hospital Motol)
- Further information:
This project supports the establishment of a comprehensive network for cancer care and research in Europe. It aims to improve the quality of cancer treatment through the introduction of standardized procedures and innovative technologies, thereby promoting equal opportunities in health in European countries.
- Funding body: EU project
- Duration: 2023-2026
- Other partners: Masarykův onkologický ústav
- Further information:
The project focuses on the early detection and intervention of type 1 diabetes. Improved diagnostic methods are to be used to develop preventive measures to detect and treat the disease at an early stage.
- Funding body: EU Horizon Europe
- Duration: 2023-2028
- TUD Partner: Prof. Ezio Bonifacio
- Other partners: Fakultní nemocnice v Motole (Motol University Hospital)
- Further information:
The DistriMuSe project promotes the partners' business development while improving public health and safety through surveillance in a targeted manner, which reduces costs and protects lives.
- Funding body: KDT Joint Undertaking, HORIZON EUROPE
- Duration: June 1, 2024 - April 30, 2027
- TUD Partner: TUD Dresden University of Technology
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Around 80% of schoolchildren in Germany show signs of poor posture. 125,000 adolescents are affected by scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. Early diagnosis and intervention help to prevent complaints that usually only occur in adulthood.
First and foremost the number one complaint - back pain the Healthy Children - Healthy Europe praimedct was to start with early detecThe bign. Big science for small patisents - WiP (webpage only available in German). A screening procedure was developed to differentiate between children with good and poor posture.
- Funding body: EU project INTERREG-PL-SN 2014-2020
- Duration: March 2017 - February 2020
- Other partners: Rehabilitation clinic SPZOZ Zgorzelec, Poland
Social and structural change
The projects in the "Societal and Structural Change" thematic area aim to promote social and technological change by focusing on topics such as artificial intelligence, sustainable mobility and historical research in order to shape a fair and sustainable future.
"CouReg" promotes intercultural skills and democratic culture in the Saxon-Czech border region. Workshops and seminars teach students and the general public about civil courage and political education in order to strengthen a sense of community and personal responsibility.
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ CouReg
- Duration: 15.03.2021-31.08.2022
- TUD Partners: Dr. Harffst & Prof. Marianne Kneuer
- Further partners: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem
- Further information:
Supporting Ukrainian cities on their way to carbon neutrality is the main objective of this project. It includes measures to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable urban development strategies.
- Funding body: EU - HEU
- Duration: 2024-2028
- TUD Partner: Prof. Jörg Rainer Nönnig
- Further partners: TU Wroclaw
- Further information:
By developing new technologies for more environmentally friendly aircraft engines, the project aims to significantly reduce noise pollution and CO2 emissions in aviation.
- Funding provider: EU project
- Duration: 2022-2025
- TUD partners: Prof. Ronald Mailach, Prof. Stefan Odenbach, Dr. Andreas Jäger
- Further partners: Czech Aerospace Research Center
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This project will investigate the archaeological sites of tin mining in the Saxon-Bohemian border region in order to preserve the cultural heritage and highlight the historical significance of the region.
- Funding provider: EU-Interreg
- Duration: 22.02.2023 - 30.06.2026
- TUD Partner: Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences
- Other partners: Masaryk University
- Further information:
In the German-Polish project REVIVAL! - Revitalization of Historic Towns in Lower Silesia and Saxony (webpage only available in German), ten small and medium-sized towns in south-western Poland and eastern Saxony dedicated themselves to strengthening their culturally valuable inner cities with the support of three research institutions. The project was completed in December 2020.
- Funding body: INTERREG PL-SN 2014-2020
- Duration: October 2018 to December 2020
- Lead Partner: Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)
- Further partners: IHI Zittau, Institute for Territorial Development (IRT) Wroclaw, as well as 10 cities in the border region
The result of these two projects is a trilingual website that digitally reflects the Bohemian-Saxon literary landscape and provides a wealth of information about authors from the border region and serves as a learning and gaming platform (including games about Erich Kästner and Franz Kafka).
- Funding body: Interreg CZ-SN 2014 - 2020
- Other partners: HTW Dresden and TU Liberec (LIS) and UJEP (LIS 2.0)
The Chair of International Management at IHI Zittau has designed a project in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at TU Liberec to increase the attractiveness of the labor market for students in the Neisse Euroregion through applied research and educational offers based on this research. The aim is to provide systematic support that meets the needs of employers and stakeholders. It aims to raise students' awareness of the opportunities on the ERN labor market and inform them about the formalities of cross-border employment, especially with regard to the skills required.
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ
- Duration: 09.01.2024 - 31.08.2026
- TUD Partner: IHI Zittau, Chair of International Management, Miriam Fink M.A.
- Further partners (Lead): Technická univerzita v Liberci (Technical University Liberec), doc. Ing. Kateřina Maršíková, Ph.D.
- Further information:
Energy, mobility, circular economy, sustainability, landscape protection
The projects and programs of the thematic area "Energy, mobility, circular economy, sustainability, landscape protection" focus on the development of environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable solutions to increase efficiency and improve the quality of life in urban and rural areas.
These projects promote the development of sustainable mobility solutions across borders in order to improve access to environmentally friendly transportation options in both urban and rural areas.
- Funding body: Interreg PL-SN
- Duration TRAILS: 01.08.2016-31.12.2018
- Duration TRAILS+: 01.04.2019-31.12.2022
- TUD Partner: Prof. Jörg Rainer Nönnig
- Further partners: TU Wroclaw
- Further information:
This project aims to prepare students for future challenges in the field of sustainable urban development by providing integrated training in the field of sustainable urban mobility.
- Funding body: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships
- Duration: 2019-2022
- TUD Partner: Prof. Udo Becker
- Other partners: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem
- Further information:
The use of artificial intelligence for networked mobility services is being researched in this project in order to significantly increase efficiency and sustainability in the mobility sector.
- Funding body: EU - 2020
- Duration: 2021-2024
- TUD partners: Prof. Dr. Niels Modler, Prof. Frank Fitzek
- Further partners: TU Brno, Institute Mikroelektronických Aplika Prague
- Further information:
The aim of this project is to restore urban water bodies in order to promote biodiversity and improve the quality of life in urban areas through measures to adapt to climate change and promote ecological diversity.
- Funding body: EU Interreg - Central Europe
- Duration: 01.06.2024 - 31.01.2027
- TUD Partner: Prof. Berendonk
- Further partners: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem
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The aim of this project is to increase the value of by-products from oilseed and milk processing through fermentation in order to develop new, sustainable utilization options.
- Funding provider: N/A
- Duration: 2020-2023
- TUD Partner: Prof. Harald Rohm
- Further partners: WUELS
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This project investigates the use of miscanthus fibers grown on sustainably managed former mining land to create new value chains and promote sustainability in agriculture.
- Funding body: N/A
- Duration: 2020-2022
- TUD Partner: Prof. André Wagenführ
- Further partners: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
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The "Floralith" project researches the special plant and biotic communities on rock biotopes in the Ore Mountains and develops strategies to protect these unique ecosystems.
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ
- Duration: 2018-2021
- TUD Partner: Prof. Neinhuis
- Other partners: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem
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The project aims to significantly strengthen the lack of cooperation in red deer management in the Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland National Parks.
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ
- Duration: 2023-2026
- TUD Partner: Prof. Seibold
- Further partners: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, Bohemian Switzerland National Park Administration, Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration
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The DiGraSo project is dedicated to the sustainable use and reclamation of soil resources in the Ore Mountains region in order to solve cross-border environmental problems and strengthen ecological resilience in the context of climate change.
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ 2024-2027
- Duration: 21.09.2023 - 31.03.2027
- EU-Förderung (EFRE): 1.079.743,49 €
- TUD Partner: Prof. Hofrichter (IHI Zittau)
- Leadpartner: TU Liberec
- Further partners: Czech University of Life Sciences Prag (Česká zemědělská univerzita), Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
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The project "The Urban Reality and Cities Under Reconstruction" analyzes the reconstruction of destroyed cities such as Dresden and Brest after the Second World War, renews the understanding of urban reconstruction and promotes sustainable urban development through creative approaches.
- Funding body: Creative Europe Program
- Duration: 2022-2024
- TUD Partner: Faculty of Architecture of the TUD Dresden University of Technology
- Other partners: Brno University of Technology, University of West Brittany in Brest, Maison de l'Allemagne (House of Germany) in Brest
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The EarthBridge project enhances research in environmental monitoring through earth observation methods, supports biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes and promotes knowledge exchange through cooperation with leading universities, training courses and summer schools.
- Funding body: Horizon Europe
- Duration: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025
- TUD partners: Prof. Anna Cord, Prof. Matthias Forkel, Prof. Anette Eltner
- Further partners: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Ceská zemedelská univerzita v Praze)
- Further information:
The "Fürstensteiner Grund" project is a German-Polish cooperation that protects and sustainably develops the cultural and natural heritage of the Fürstensteiner Grund in Lower Silesia by bringing together experts from the fields of cultural history, garden monument preservation, nature and water conservation and tourism.
- Funding body: German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)
- Duration: May 2021 - October 2023
- TUD partners: Prof. Thomas Köhler, Dr. Hößelbarth
- Further partners: University of Natural Sciences in Wrocław (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu), WUELS
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The Technodiversity project harmonizes European forest engineering education through an e-learning platform that provides teaching modules and a knowledge database for the adaptation and assessment of forest enterprises.
- Funded by: Erasmus+ KA220-HED
- Duration: November 1, 2021 - March 31, 2024
- TUD Partner: Prof. Jöern Erler
- Further partners: Poznań University of Life Sciences
- Further information:
The cross-border project aims to increase the climate resilience of the European City of Görlitz-Zgorzelec, improve the security of the water supply and ensure the sustainable use of the cross-border groundwater system. This will make a significant contribution to cross-border cooperation and the sustainable covering of the water supply in the European City of Görlitz-Zgorzelec on the Neisse.
- Funding body: EU - Interreg
- Duration: 01/2025-12/2027
- TUD Partners: Dr. rer. nat. Zhao Chen, Dr.-Ing. Diana Burghardt (both at the Institute of Groundwater Management)
- Further partners: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach (Silesian University of Katowice), the city councils of Görlitz and Zgorzelec, the Görlitz municipal utilities and the Zgorzelec waterworks
- Further information:
The pollution of water bodies from discharges from sewage treatment plants, households, agriculture and industry does not stop at borders. The project therefore focuses on bringing together stakeholders in water management in the border region between Saxony and the Czech Republic and facilitating interdisciplinary cooperation between different specialist areas in education as well as a transdisciplinary link between theory and professional practice. The project is aimed at eliminating previous differences between the countries. This concerns both joint training and cooperation between the professional associations and their members. This supports a uniform visibility of the water management sector in order to raise awareness of cross-border problems and to generate attention for the sector in order to attract skilled workers.
- Funding body: Interreg Saxony - Czech Republic (2021-2027)
- Duration: 17.05.2024 - 31.12.2027
- Lead partner: TU Dresden
- Other partners: Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Česká zemědělská unvierzita v Praze (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
- Further information:
- Funding body: Interreg SN-CZ
- Duration: 20.05.2024 - 31.12.2027
- TUD partner: Prof. Anette Eltner, Junior Professor for Geosensor Systems, Institute for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- Further partners: Charles University Prague (Lead)
- Further information:
The research project sheds light on the extent to which beaver dams can make a positive contribution to mitigating and overcoming environmental risks caused by climate change in the border region.
- Funded by: Interreg Saxony - Czech Republic
- Duration: 28.06.2024 - 31.12.2027
- TUD Partner: Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics, Dr.-Ing. Torsten Heyer
- Further partners:
- České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Czech Technical University in Prague)
- Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze (Czech Life Science University Prage)
- Further information:
The aim of the project is to create materials and methods for a joint cross-border research field training of primary and secondary school teachers, tourist guides, nature conservationists and museum experts focusing on geography, geology, ecology and the protection of the landscape in the border area of the Czech Republic and Saxony.
- Funding body: Interreg Saxony - Czech Republic
- Duration: 29.08.2023 - 31.12.2026
- TUD Partner:
- IHI Zittau, Prof. Remmer Sassen and Vera Braun
- Chair of Geographic Education, Nicole Raschke and Hanna Janßen
- Further partners among others:
- Lead: Technická univerzita v Liberci (Technical University of Liberec), doc. Kamil Zágoršek
- Further information:
The "European Course on Cryogenics" is an annual, jointly organized programme offered by TU Dresden, the Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and provides students with in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of cryogenics and specific areas of application such as liquid hydrogen, helium and LNG technology.
- Funding: DAAD Ostpartnerschaften, EXU
- Status: existing, annual
- TUD partner: Prof. Haberstroh
- Further partners: TU Wroclaw
The Central European Campus Neisse/Nisa is an innovative, cross-border educational project that offers students the opportunity to complete a joint double degree program at TU Dresden (IHI Zittau) and TU Liberec, promoting academic cooperation and knowledge exchange in the Neisse Euroregion.
- Funding: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), national and regional contributions from Germany and the Czech Republic
- Status: existing
- TUD partners: IHI Zittau, Prof. Claus
- Other partners: TU Liberec
- Further information:
The double degree program International Management of the IHI Zittau of TU Dresden in cooperation with the Wrocław University of Economics, TU Liberec and the University of Pardubice offers a unique opportunity to acquire comprehensive management skills with an international focus while obtaining two Master's degrees.
- Funding: Erasmus +
- Status: 2023 (Wiwi), 2024 (Wiwi: Managing the Multinational Company)
- TUD partners: IHI Zittau, Prof. Claus
- Further partners: Andrássy Universität Budapest, Univerzita Pardubice, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Technická Univerzita v Liberci
- Further information:
The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) program Global Forestry (GloFor) is a two-year international Master's program offered jointly by the Life Sciences University in Prague and other partner universities. It prepares students to master the complex challenges and opportunities of forestry in a global context, with a special focus on sustainability and the protection of forests in developing countries.
- Funding: Erasmus Mundus scholarships, EU, national and international contributions
- Status: since 2021, 2 years (4 semesters)
- TUD partners: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, University of Copenhagen, TUD Dresden University of Technology, AgroParisTech, University of Padua
- Further information:
The annual Saxon-Polish Information Day is an important platform for promoting cross-border cooperation between TU Dresden and TU Wrocław. It enables stakeholders from science, business and politics to exchange ideas on megatrends such as sustainability and digitalization and to develop joint solutions for regional and international challenges.
- Funding: Saxon State Ministry, EU, private sponsors
- Status: since 2017
- TUD partners: TUD Dresden University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Saxon Liaison Office in Wrocław, Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH
- Further information:
Information Technology and Microelectronics
In the thematic area "Information Technology and Microelectronics", scientists are working on the development and application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and digital solutions to optimize industrial processes and promote innovative approaches in education and production.
This project focuses on investigating the role of electronics and information and communication technologies (ICT) in optimizing the supply chain and promoting the digital industry.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2017-2020
- TUD Partner: Prof. Karlheinz Bock
- Other partners: Institute Mikroelektronických Aplika Prague
- Further information:
The use of artificial intelligence for the digitalization of industry is being investigated in this project in order to make production processes more efficient and resource-saving.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2019-2022
- TUD partners: Prof. Dr. Niels Modler, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nagel
- Further partners: Institute Mikroelektronických Aplika Prague
- Further information:
The aim of this project is to develop tools to support digitalization in various industrial sectors. It promotes the integration and optimization of digital systems in production.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2019-2022
- TUD Partner: Prof. Klaus Kabitzsch
- Further partners: Institute of Information Theory and Automation (ITI) Prague
- Further information:
This project focuses on the development of trustworthy architectures for connected, electric and automated vehicles to ensure the safety and reliability of these technologies.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2020-2023
- TUD Partner: Prof. Dr. Niels Modler
- Further partners: Institute Mikroelektronických Aplika Prague
- Further information:
The development of optoelectronics based on two-dimensional semiconductor materials is being driven forward in this project in order to support research into new materials for future electronic components.
- Funding body: EU - H2020 MSCA
- Duration: 2021-2024
- TUD Partner: Prof. Thomas Heine
- Further partners: TU Wroclaw, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
- Further information:
The CASUS (Center for Advanced Systems Understanding) is a cross-border research center that involves close cooperation between several renowned institutions. Founding members include e.g. the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), TU Dresden and the University of Wrocław. The cooperation aims to promote research in the field of digital systems science.
- Funding body: Free State of Saxony, Federal Government
- Duration: since 2019
- TUD partners: Faculty of Computer Science
- Other partners: University of Wrocław, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
- Further information:
Materials science
The subject area "Materials Science" is about the development of new materials and technologies that can be used in various industries to increase sustainability and efficiency and to create new economic opportunities.
This project researches the development of new two-dimensional materials and heterostructures for use in printed digital devices. It aims to develop innovative materials for the electronics industry.
- Funding body: EU - H2020
- Duration: 2023-2027
- TUD Partner: Prof. Xinliang Feng
- Other partners: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
- Further information:
The project will develop joint qualification programs that increase the breadth and quality of student training and initiate joint research work. In particular, it is planned to integrate current research topics and high-tech processes and equipment into the joint training. In Project Phase 1, online lectures for German and Czech participants will be developed jointly. Building on this, student theses on topics of interest to both sides will be offered and jointly supervised in the second project phase. Scientific symposia are held annually to present and discuss the ongoing research work. The MATun experience should also be offered to other universities. In addition, the experiences are to be used to raise awareness among pupils about studying materials science.
- Funding body: Interreg Sachsen – Tschechien (2021-2027)
- Duration: 14.08.2023 - 31.12.2026
- TUD Partner: Dr. Ute Bergmann (IfWW) / Gritt Ott (CIMTT)
Budget TU Dresden (100%): 547.663,29€
EU-Financing (80%): 438.130,63€
- Leadpartner: Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústí nad Labem
- Further information: bzw.
This project promotes training in modern technologies such as 3D printing and additive manufacturing in order to comprehensively qualify skilled workers for the challenges of digital production.
- Funding body: EU - Erasmus+
- Duration: 2023-2026
- TUD Partner: Prof. Karlheinz Bock
- Further partners: TU Wroclaw
Open GLASSroom brings together an international community of glass experts to develop a common future-oriented curriculum for glass. Compared to more commonly used materials such as steel, concrete and wood, glass is rarely taught at technical universities despite its popularity in architecture. Our aim is to develop Open Educational Resources on glass design and technology and make them available to support students, teachers and practitioners. We address fundamental and emerging topics in research and innovation.
- Funding body: Co-funded by Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships (KA220)
- Duration: 01.11.2022 - 31.10.2025
- TUD Partner: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Construction, Dipl.-Berufspäd. Aline Bergert
- Further partners: CTU Prague, Ph.D. Zdenek Sokol, Prof. Martina Eliasova
as well as TU Delft, Politecnico di Bari, University of Girona, University of Rijeka - Further information: https: //
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NameDr. Cornelia Krause
Regional Partnerships & Monitoring Internationalization
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01062 Dresden