Chair at the Institute for Medical Informatics and Biometry
Chair For Medical Biometry and Statistics
The responsibility of this professorship comprises the methodological training of students in medical statistics / biometry, epidemiology, and medical informatics as well as other application fields of mathematics and informatics in the life sciences. The research focus is on the development and application of biometrical, statistical and bioinformatical data analysis methods as well as of mathematical modelling techniques to describe and explain medically relevant biological processes.

Chair for Medical Biometry and Statistics
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. med. Ingo Röder
Institute Director
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Chair of Medical Informatics
The focus of the professorship is on the creation of an ecosystem for medical research and patient care by working in a highly interdisciplinary and application-oriented manner with national and international partners. Topics such as big data technologies and mobile systems are just as important as processes and usability.
In teaching, the professorship provides students of various fields with the necessary skills to develop, assess and apply information and communication technologies in the healthcare system.

Chair of Medical Informatics
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Sedlmayr
Deputy Institute Director
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