Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Sedlmayr

Chair of Medical Informatics
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Sedlmayr
Deputy Institute Director
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Prof Dr rer. nat. Dr habil. med. Martin Sedlmayr holds the Chair of Medical Informatics and is Deputy Director of the IMB. As Director of the Centre for Medical Informatics at University Medicine Dresden and CDO/CDIO of University Medicine, he shares responsibility with the CIO of the University Hospital for the strategic development of University Medicine Dresden in the field of digitalisation and digital medicine.
Prof. Sedlmayr's scientific focus is on the user-centred development of digital assistance systems for medicine and the provision of big data infrastructures for clinical care and research. He is guided by three central questions:
How can data, information and knowledge be comprehensively accessed and applied in context? (content level)
How can innovative technologies be used to build flexible infrastructures? (Infrastructure level)
How can assistive applications be integrated as seamlessly as possible into the user's world of experience? (application level)
Prof Sedlmayr is also a member of the steering group for research infrastructures in the University Medicine Network and the National Steering Committee of the Medical Informatics Initiative. He coordinates the Digital Progress Hub Health MiHUBx and is deputy chairman of the INTEROP Council for Digital Health in Germany.