Obtaining Origin
- On the home page of OriginLab
click on "test" in the top right corner of the display.
- Choose an option: "I have never used Origin before" and then "students".
- If the origin-account already exists, then log in with it, if not, create a new account. Use a chemistry mail address.
Vorname.Nachname@chemie.tu-dresden.de or Vorname.Nachname@mailbox.tu-dresden.de
- Make a selection on the left, the rest of the fields can remain blank.
- Download the files without any help. The files can also be downloaded on the USB stick in PC pool (please, bring the USB stick with at least 500 MB of free space).
- Call up the following link and log in with origin account if necessary: request the origin license
- With the following click on "request" the license will be requested, Origin sends the license files (a serial number and a product key) on the e-mail address of the account.
- Start the installation files, accept the license agreement and choose "install the product" (the serial number is necessary).
- Enter the user name, company name, and serial number (from the origin e-mail). After that, confirm the registration information.
- Choose the 32-bit-version, 64-bit-version or both. Install the programme further as usual, or customize the installation folder if needed.
- Enter the product key from the e-mail in the field "key product" and click on "activate" during the first start of the programme. Origin will create a contact with the server and activate the license.
- You can use Origin Pro for one year on your computer.
Afterwards the license have to be deactivated under "help" and the new license must be installed.