Pool supervision and office hours
The computer labs of the faculty are supervised by:
Niklas Reichardt | Tim Günther |
Dear students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, the computer lab supervisors are also chemistry students. Therefore it is sufficient to send informal emails. Please, don't send us
any personal information like matriculation number etc.
If you make a request regarding to files and links, we will send answers only to an official email address of the TU Dresden (preferably vorname.name@chemie.tu-dresden.de).
The following issues can be clarified during the office hours (don't forget your student ID):
- Login issues – especially forgotten passwords.
- Registration of Campuscards for the free access to PC pools during the opening hours.
- MS Office can be obtained via CampusSachsen (free of charge for the students of the university).
Office hours:
There are no regular office hours during the lecture-free period. Please write us an e-mail to solve the problem by e-mail or to make an appointment.
Pool responsible:
Dr. Matthias Mann
Phone: 463-34286